Monday, January 30, 2006

Chapter 12: Birthday Wishes


The next two weeks for Harry were filled with early morning walks to the swings, intense hours of defensive training, and the now commonly occurring dream of him and a girl having a picnic on a green hill. While Harry didn’t have any particular qualms about these dreams they left him wanting more every time he woke up, for some reason this dream settled his fears and grief better than everything else, besides swinging with Emma and writing to Ginny.

While he still couldn’t make out the girls face he noticed that slowly but surely the dream was becoming sharper, more defined. It wasn’t really blurry anymore but still things were a bit indistinct. Something that was bugging him was that he knew the laugh of the girl from somewhere, he’d spent hours trying to recall where he’d heard it but it eluded him.

Sometimes he would wake up from the dream standing up, other times he was hugging his pillow as if it were a person. He also knew these weren’t just normal dreams either, they were too real. He could feel the grass on his legs and hands, and when he ate a strawberry he could actually taste it. He couldn’t make heads or tales of this but he was happy this time the dream didn’t involve long winding hallways or an endless procession of friends and family falling through the veil in the Department of Mysteries. In fact, Harry couldn’t recall a time when he had actually been excited about a dream.

Along with Ginny’s now almost daily correspondence, Harry had received a few letters from both Ron and Hermione telling him about the different things that were going on in the wizarding world. The one thing that frightened him however was that neither of them had heard anything about Voldemort or the Death Eaters in the past few weeks. The only thing that was closely related was something Ron had said about Fudge trying to salvage his career by randomly searching houses and arresting suspected ‘threats’. Although the ministry Aurors had apparently arrested over fifty people, not a single one of them had been actually declared a death eater. From what Harry could tell Fudge was, politically, on his deathbed. His reputation had taken quite a hit after Voldemort waltzed right into the ministry itself after saying that he was all just a figment of Harry’s imagination. Fudge’s career was poised to topple and Harry would have no ill feelings if it were he himself who gave the last shove.

Before Harry knew it, it was July 30th, the day before his birthday. He hadn’t even remembered about it until Errol and Pig came flying in together carrying a very large box filled not only with a chocolate cake from Mrs. Weasley’s cake, but a smaller box of sweets from Fred and George. He set the sweets aside and reminded himself only to feed them to Dudley.

He also received individual packages from Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Lupin, and Ginny. Everyone sent him either large amounts of sweets and cakes, or books on defensive, or white magic. Ginny had sent him a small leather bound book, which held, when he opened it, pictures of Harry with Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Lupin, the Order, and to Harry’s anguish a small picture of him and Sirius grinning stupidly at the camera during Christmas break.

Harry’s heart ached as he recalled the best Christmas of his life, when he was with everyone at Grimmauld Place, and there wasn’t a prophecy to worry about.

He turned over to the last page of the book to find a short letter to him from Ginny.


I remember you showing me the photo album Hagrid made you of your parents, I noticed that there weren’t many of your friends or your new family, so I decided to make you another. I asked Colin to owl me a bunch of really good photos and I sorted through them and found the best ones. I hope that you think this is a good present; I wasn’t really sure what to get you, seeing as you sure as hell don’t need anymore defense books or broom stuff. You can send it back if you don’t like it.

Happy Birthday


Harry’s touched that Ginny cared enough about him to go through all this trouble just for a birthday present. The photos in the small book brought a smile to his face, he especially liked the on of all the Weasleys, and all of the Order on Christmas last year. They looked up at Harry and waved happily, as if there wasn’t a war going on when this was taken.

Harry then reeled when he remember a similar picture that Moody had shown him that same Christmas. In it were all the members of the old Order of the Phoenix. Harry looked down once again and closed his eyes, praying that unlike the other photo all of these people would still be alive in a few years.

For the rest of the day Harry played with Emma, showing her the photo album, and bringing over some of the tamer prank candy that Fred and George had created. They both laughed when Joy accidentally ate one of the Canary creams and burst into a giant yellow canary, complete with realistic chirp. Once the charm finally wore off Joy too joined in laughing about the prank.

For his Birthday Emma had baked a cake all by herself. She carried it out while singing happy birthday to him, then told him to make a wish and blow out all the candles.

I wish this war could be over, and I wish that I could have a family. Harry thought with his eyes squeezed together, and then blew hard at the candles. Emma took the one that went out last and handed it to Harry.

“When you go home tonight take this candle and place it under your pillow. If you do it will make your wish come true!” The little girl chimed, thrusting the candle into his hands as he was walking out the front door.

“Okay Em, I do want these wishes to come true. Thanks Mrs. Massey! I had a wonderful birthday,” Harry said to Joy as she hugged him tightly then wished him goodbye.

Harry didn’t head directly home, instead he walked around the park once or twice thinking about random, pointless things. His feet carried him without thinking, eventually taking him to the front of the Dursley’s house. He sighed and looked down at his watch. It was only 9:00 at night; he would have to just sit in his room and try and go to bed. He thought of talking another walk, but his better judgment told him nighttime and a dark alley don’t mix too well, not to mention what Moody would do to him if he did indeed decide to go for a walk.

So solemnly, he resigned his fate to his bedroom, and walked up the front path to the door.

“Oy! Potter, happy birthday mate!” Someone invisible whispered as a heavy package thudded in front of the door.

Harry immediately recognized the voice as that of Tonks, and spun around wildly searching for her and her invisibility cloak. She didn’t appear but whispered once more,

“Sorry, can’t take off the cloak, Moody would skin me alive” revealing myself to the enemy’, sorry you didn’t have a great birthday. Next year though we’ll throw you a huge party to celebrate your coming of age.”

Harry looked in the direction of where the voice was coming and smiled, “Thanks Tonks, it’s nice to know that it’s you keeping watch and not someone like Dawlish.” Harry picked up the poorly wrapped package and tore off the paper revealing a small book titled, 101 Ways to Decorate Your Room by Martha Stewart.

Harry was shocked, “Martha Stewart is a witch?!!”

“You bet, how else do you think she figured out about those stocks? She’s not a very good one though, just can make things look pretty. I figured you’re in your room enough that you should at least make it look nice.” Tonks whispered from behind the begonias.

Harry smiled again in her direction, “Thanks Tonks, it’s perfect. You’re right my room could use a little bit of a personal touch. Tell everyone hi for me, and tell them I said thanks for their gifts too.”

“Sweet dreams Harry,” Tonks whispered from farther away as headed inside. Harry smiled, knowing that his dreams were definitely going to be nice, especially when it came to the part of him kissing the girl in the dream. He just wished he could figure out who it was.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Chapter 11: Advice and Apologies

A/N: Harry Potter and all contents belong to the master of the quill, miss J.K. Rowling. I’m only 16, I don’t have a lawyer, I’m not making any money off of this, and I don’t have any money for you to sue me for.

Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.

Okay then, well this is the new chapter. I am so sorry about the cliffy but I wanted to post something for you lot and it was a good place to stop seeing as it was already a long chapter. This chapter has a lot of Dumbledore, but I needed this to progress the plot and it just seemed like Harry needed a little advice. Thanks to my awesome beta darkcelestial!

Chapter 9: Apologies and Advice

“WHAT!!” Joy and Emma both shouted at the same time swirling in their seats to face the embarrassed boy. Harry buried his face in his hands. Well he couldn’t have done that any more subtlety. I sound like some sort of prophet or something.

Dumbledore chuckled softly as if he could hear Harry’s thoughts. Harry raised his head out of his hands to look over at Emma and Joy who were both staring at him incredulously. For Harry this was right up there with his most embarrassing moments in his life. He was frustrated at Dumbledore telling the story in such a way that it made him appear to be something he wasn’t. Right about now he wished he could have his invisibility cloak with him so he could disappear forever.

“Why didn’t you tell us Harry?” Emma said, sounding a little put out that her best friend had not told her something this important.

Harry got up and sat down next to Emma and put an arm around her comfortingly. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to scare you or worry you. It’s not exactly normal for a 16 year old to fight the world’s most powerful dark lord. And it’s summer, I just want to be like any other sixteen year old right now, because once I get back to school everyone stares at me for my stupid scar and my over sensationalized stories.” Harry ended in a somewhat defeated voice.

Joy placed a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder and Emma hugged him.

“It’s alright Harry, we wouldn’t have cared, I mean if we could handle the sudden fact that Emma is a witch then I’m sure we could have handled your story too. And you’re right, you should have every right to live a normal life not one that’s in the spotlight.” Joy said in a comforting voice.

“I completely agree with Mrs. Massey here, I believe that you should enjoy this summer to its fullest and not worry about what is to come.” Dumbledore put stress on the last words. “You are first and foremost a student and a teenager, not an Auror, and it would do well for you to pursue what other teenagers do. While I cannot stress how important it is for you to stay wary you should also relax for, unfortunately, it may be the only time you have for a long time.” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled in a way Harry had never seen before; they were not merry but morose. When he stopped to think about it the Hogwarts headmaster had never looked this worn down. Joy sensed that there was a large amount of sorrow between the two wizards in front of her, and decided that they needn’t bring it up again just for their sake.

“Well Mr. Dumbledore, thank you so much for meeting Emmaline and I. We cannot tell you how much it means to us that you would take time out of your schedule, especially when there is a war going on. I’ll make sure Harry is acting like a normal teen, but I’ll also make sure that he is safe. I don’t know anything about spells or wands, but I can promise you that I’ll protect him. He means too much to Emma for me to let him get harmed.” Joy stated, smiling happily at the two children.

Dumbledore stood up and shook Joy’s hand congenially. “The same goes for you Mrs. Massey, I will have an Auror posted by your house to ensure that you and your daughter will not come into any sort of harm.” Dumbledore smiled at the little girl and then turned to Harry, “Harry? Might we have a word while you go back to your house?” Harry just nodded fearing what new revelation Dumbledore would have for him. “Excellent! Thank you for your hospitality and I will expect to see you, Miss Emmaline, at Hogwarts on September 1st.” Dumbledore stepped out the door after ensuring there weren’t any muggles around, and Harry followed closely waving goodbye to Emma and telling her he’d meet her tomorrow at the park.

“Harry, thank you for having me come today. I think it was best that they were told as much as possible here instead of Emmaline learning it all second hand from her peers. This year the entrance rate ha actually dropped significantly because parents are too afraid to send their children away from their sight, even if it is safer at Hogwarts.” At this Dumbledore stopped walking and turned to face Harry, “Harry, I meant what I said in there. You really are an amazing person facing adversity most people could never imagine, and overcoming it with sense of style I don’t even I think I have. I also meant what I said when I told you that you had to have a normal summer, relax. If you’ve noticed there haven’t been any more public disturbances by Tom after the Ministry incident, sadly this is only the calm before the storm.”

The headmaster continued walking now, speaking in a softer voice now however, “I really and truly am sorry that I have continued to snub you. I am still teaching myself that I cannot protect you from everything without an explanation. I will strive to tell you more now, although, because you have still not yet mastered occlumency I cannot tell you everything. “Now reaching the front step of the Dursley’s house Dumbledore came to a stop and placed his hands on Harry’s shoulders. “Before I leave you let me say two more things. One; it is not your fault; you couldn’t have done anything to prevent your uncle from going to the Ministry that night. And secondly; this is not only your battle, use your friend’s support that is why they are here, they care for you, especially young Miss Weasley, she has been most distraught over your current situation.” Harry’s mouth was agape. How did he always know.

“There are more ways than one to overcome grief Harry; you just need to find the one that suits you.” Dumbledore winked over his spectacles, turned, and without saying another word apparated away.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chapter 10: Dumbledore Explains


I apologize for not posting before I did on I finished this chapter at school and the only thing I could acess was Fanfiction. I wouldve waited but I was too excited!

MY BOGGART = J.K. Rowling’s Lawyers

Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.

Okay, well so far I have had unbelievable support from everyone. I am now aiming for the lofty goal of posting once every two or three days, homework or writer’s block notwithstanding. As in reply to Calamur’s review, yes I have read both Bobmin’s and Abraxan’s stories. By far the best fanfics out there and there may be some little plot ideas that I glean from their works but I can assure you that I have a completely different main plot, if I do use one of their plot devices I will be sure to list that in my notes. I hope that my plot idea for how to defeat Voldemort will be as entertaining to you as it is to me.


Chapter 8: Dumbledore Explains

The rest of the week went by agonizingly slow as Harry awaited Dumbledore’s meeting with the Masseys. He had informed Joy and Emma that the headmaster would be visiting with them that Thursday, and the rest of the week Emma was bouncing off the walls in excitement for her upcoming meeting with another wizard. That didn’t mean that she was bored of Harry in the least bit. In fact, whenever they were alone Emma would ask him to do some magic. He kept it relatively tame; levitating this or that, or catching things spontaneously on fire. Joy was also enthralled by Harry’s abilities; occasionally she would stop what she was doing just to watch Harry show Emma a new little trick.

She had never seen anything like what Harry was doing, she knew now that this wasn’t just some elaborate trick or gag; that raven haired boy really was a wizard. And from what she’d seen so far, a pretty damn good one too.

One morning Harry had come over, he’d explained to her about how Emma could have possibly become a witch. One was that she herself was just a squid, or squib, some word Joy had never heard used before, and that her parents never told her. Another possibility was that Emma’s father, Harold, was a wizard but never told Joy or anyone else. The last one, the one that Joy found easiest to believe was that Emma was a muddle, muffle, muggle, something- born witch, someone who was just magic for some weird reason.

Even if this was the reason for her amazing ability it still left Joy somewhat anxious, how in the world would she tell the school, let alone everyone else that Emma just left for a boarding school for Witches and Wizards. I mean no one would believe he if she did, probably would throw her in the psych ward if she said so. Harry however insisted that she tell no one. Apparently the wizarding world was very secretive, probably why she had never heard of them before the letter.

When Friday came around Joy was so nervous awaiting the Headmaster that she was obsessively cleaning the house. She was panicky about meeting the headmaster of the school that her daughter had been let into; she didn’t want to change his mind about accepting her. Emma however was completely the opposite; Emma had never seen her daughter this happy since her husband had died four years ago. It warmed her heart that her daughter would finally fit in, and have friends.

Harry arrived at around 10:30 that day, having come late because his Uncle had forced him to wash the car before he left. Something about the boy’s relationship with the family seemed odd. Whenever Joy mentioned his Aunt or Uncle he would flinch involuntarily. She always wondered about it, but not being a busybody she didn’t look into it.

Joy, Harry, and Emma spent the thirty minutes before the headmaster’s awaited arrival of 11:00, sitting in the living room chatting mildly about the basic of wizarding etiquette. Harry had told them all about robes, and wands, and even a little bit about owl post. He was now telling them, with quite a lot of enthusiasm about Quidditch. He had just started into the different players on a Quidditch team when the doorbell rang merrily.

Joy jumped as if she’d been electrocuted, and Emma sprinted towards the door to meet her new headmaster. Harry stood up and led Joy to the front door, the mother was obviously nervous and Harry was curious to see how she’d react to Dumbledore’s undoubtedly peculiar fashion sense.

Emma opened the door to reveal, standing in his most luridly purple robes, Dumbledore. He smiled genuinely at Emma, then took on an expression which appeared to be sorrow when he caught sight of Harry.

“Hello little miss, you must be Emmaline Massey?” Dumbledore said to the ecstatic little girl, then turning to Joy he held out his hand, “and you must be Mrs. Joy Massey if I am not mistaken, I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Joy was undoubtedly shaken by his initial appearance, but took the wizard’s hand in hers and shook it with great kindness. Although his clothing appeared to be a bit amiss, this Dumbledore character seemed to be perfectly kind.

“While Harry here has undoubtedly told you somewhat about the school that your daughter has been accepted into I am hoping to clarify things, and tell you a little more about the current state of things in the wizarding world, shall we go somewhere a little more comfortable. There is much to tell you, alas not all of it is good.” Dumbledore stepped inside curtly and followed Joy and Emma to the living room. Harry walked beside him but did not say a word to the headmaster. Dumbledore noticed the seemingly icy demeanor Harry had developed and looked over to the boy and smiled sadly.

Once everyone was settled in the living room, Dumbledore, much to Emma and Joy’s surprise, conjured tea and biscuits for them all to nibble on. “Now that we are settled I see no sense in delaying any longer.” Dumbledore smiled, “So Harry, what have you discussed with the Masseys so far?”

Harry listed off that he’d explained the basics about secrecy, wands, magic, how Emma might’ve become a witch, what the school was like, and the basics of Quidditch.

“Ah, well he seems to have done a fine job of explaining the basics. I’ll try to fill in all the blanks, and then tell you about the wizarding world right now.”

Harry flinched at the last part, knowing how mild a euphemism he was using to describe Voldemort’s reign of destruction. Hopefully the revelation of the wizarding world being in such a state of turmoil would not dampen Emma and Joy’s enthusiasm. Harry crossed his fingers and turned his attention towards Dumbledore who was explaining the basics of the school.

The headmaster spent well over an hour explaining all the niceties of the school, even going so far as to describe the “wonderful assortment of hidden pass ways and rooms.” When the topic of the school was finally exhausted the attention turned to the wizarding world itself and what was currently going on. Harry saw the headmaster visibly straighten as he began.

“Now, onto the less pleasant facts of our world I fear,” Dumbledore smiled softly at the little girl who’d been completely enthralled by the discussion so far. “Now this is not intended to discourage you from sending Miss Massey here to Hogwarts, but currently our world is at war with itself.”

This was when Joy piped up, “but didn’t you say that there weren’t that many wizards. I mean it couldn’t be a much of a war when only a few hundred are fighting.”

Dumbledore sighed, “I wish that were true, but I am afraid it isn’t. There is a very evil wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort, who, with is faithful followers the Death Eaters, have been spreading panic and fear within the wizarding community. Now there have been many Dark Wizards over the centuries, but this one is especially so. This is the second time he has been terrorizing people.” He said grimly.

“What do you mean his second time?” Emma asked nervously.

“Well Lord Voldemort was very strong sixteen years ago, and was doing the same things he is doing currently. Only he was defeated and his rule was destroyed.” Dumbledore stated, smiling proudly at Harry.

“How was he defeated, I mean how could someone have defeated someone as powerful as you said he was?” Joy asked, her fear had been piqued by the headmaster’s latest revelation. She was wondering if it was the right idea to send her daughter to school during a war.

Dumbledore turned towards Harry his eyes twinkling mischievously. “He was defeated by a young boy, his parents were unfortunately murdered by Voldemort, but somehow this baby vanquished this dark lord. Although Voldemort tried to kill this him, his spell backfired and all that happened was that the boy received a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. No one is quite sure why, or what happened but somehow he brought about Voldemort’s end. For well over eleven years Voldemort was thought to be dead, but we were given quite the wakeup call five years ago when Voldemort returned. The same young boy who destroyed him the first time foiled his plans once more, this time at the age of eleven. Over the next four years he continued to fight Voldemort in different settings and ways. He is the only person who has ever survived a fight with Voldemort, let alone four different times. He is actually a current sixth year at Hogwarts right now, and is by far one of the best Quidditch seekers I have ever seen pass through the school, better even, some may say, than his father.”

Harry’s cheeks glowed fiery red under the headmaster’s embarrassing praise.

“What’s his name?” Emma asked quizzically, in complete wonder how a little boy could defeat such an evil person so many times.

Dumbledore turned once again towards Harry, looked deep into his eyes, and then proudly said, “His name, if I’m not mistaken is Harry James Potter.”

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chapter 9: Return of the Phoenix

A/N I no likey lawyers, especially when they belong to J.K. Rowling and Scholastic. Not my work.

Ginny woke up to a white owl tugging on one of her braids. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and yawned deeply.

“Hello Hedwig. What do you have for me?” she asked the owl stroking its head.

The owl dropped the tightly rolled parchment then hooted softly.

“I’ll write back I promise, I care about him as much as you do.” This seemed to satisfy her as she hopped up to the window and took off.

I hope he’s okay, Harry usually doesn’t write this often, two letters in one week sure is a lot for him.


First off don’t worry, I am okay. I just wanted to write you again because I feel that I can tell you stuff that I can’t tell Hermione or your brother without having them both go into some form of panic. The last time I got a letter from you was the first night I didn’t have some sort of nightmare, so thank you for writing me. I still can’t get rid of them but every once and a while I will get a nice dream of me having a picnic on some hill somewhere. It’s really quite nice and quiet.

On another, unrelated topic, what do you know about your brother’s incredible crush on ‘Mione? I was thinking that we might be able to prod them together in some way or another. Maybe seeing them squirm will help me get over these dreams. Anyway, if you happen to come up with an ingenious plan worthy of the twins write me back and maybe we could put it into action.

I can’t wait till I can come back to the Burrow, it’s the closest thing I have to a home. I hope I will be soon, but with Dumbledore and the bloody Order breathing down my neck I might not come back too soon. Maybe you, Hermione, and Ron could work on that for me.

Well Aunt Petunia is yelling at me to go and clean the dishes. I have to go I guess, even though they’re petrified now that I can do magic wherever I want to now. I think I might just have to wash the dishes with magic just to give my Aunt a heart attack.


Once again Ginny had tears in her eye from reading one of Harry’s letters. He could be a complete moron sometimes, but every once and a while he says the right thing.

She looked outside her window at the perfect green hills in the background, the same green hills that she were in her dreams, and from what she could tell, Harry’s too. She looked at the letter again and smiled. He’d actually called her Gin’, she hated the name when anyone else used it but for some reason it sounded amazing when he said it, so she had written him back and told him to call her that.

So Harry had noticed Ron and Hermione’s little crush? Not that it’s hard to see, I mean a blind cave troll could see that they like each other. I’ll have to ask Fred and George if they have any ideas, I’m sure they’d be more than willing to torture their little brother. Maybe if we can get Ron and Hermione together then maybe Harry will make his move. Well I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

Ginny sighed, mentally reminded herself to write a letter back to Harry that night, and moved away from the window and down the stairs to get breakfast before Ron ate all of it.

At the same moment that Ginny was rushing down the stairs to get some bacon, Harry was trying to steal some, or at least a scrap of toast. Dudley had been allowed to go off the diet because Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia called it barbarically cruel, and even went so far as to threaten the school with a lawsuit for child abuse. Although the Dursleys now avoided Harry little like the plague ever since Harry threw his uncle down the stairs, he was still denied food and expected to do his chores. The one upside to all this was that he was never sore anymore from the beatings he used to get from Vernon.

The food problem wasn’t too big of a bother for him. He just got up earlier than the rest of the house and would steal down the stairs and into the spotless kitchen, to steal some bread, or leftovers from last night’s dinner. While he wasn’t starving Harry’s body still showed the signs of hunger that, coupled with his grief and a teenager’s growth spurts, gave his face a very wan complexion.

This morning Harry managed to make a few pieces of toast and get a glass of orange juice without alerting the Dursleys, and was now nibbling on them in his bedroom as he studied a defense book labeled Mastering the Minions of the Dark which mostly taught how to defend against dark creatures or beings. Harry just finished an interesting chapter on bewitched statues and figures, which unnervingly reminded him of the Department of Mysteries when Dumbledore had bewitched the fountain to protect him. The only difference was that that time it wasn’t used for evil but for good.

Harry finished off his toast and swigged the last of the orange juice, then closed the book and headed over towards the window. He couldn’t see anyone but he knew that there was an Auror right outside the front door waiting to tail him the moment he left. The fact that he was being followed didn’t upset him nearly as much as the fact that Dumbledore was still doing things behind his back, even though they directly concerned him. He thought that after the confrontation in his office only three weeks ago, the headmaster would have opened up a little more.

Harry sighed, fogging up the window, as he remembered that if Dumbledore came to talk to the Massey’s he would have to talk to him again, and do so in a cordial manner. He didn’t want to break a window, or catch something on fire because he let his anger get out of hand. That would definitely not set a good example of the wizarding world.

Harry’s mind now turned to Ginny, and the letter he’d sent her. He hoped that it wasn’t going to worry her to know that he still had the nightmares, and that he wanted to come back to the Burrow. For some reason writing her was therapeutic in a way, just as swinging and talking with Emma was. Harry had written to Ginny a few times over break now and every time he did so the weight of the prophecy seemed to be lessened.

I just wish I could tell them about the prophecy, I want to be able to explain why I’ve almost gotten them all killed multiple times. I want them to know that I don’t have a choice. Harry knew that that was a greedy thought, but just once he’d like to not feel all alone. Ever since Dumbledore had revealed his fate his world had shrunk down to just himself, no one could understand what he was having to deal with.

Over the past few weeks Harry had seriously contemplated breaking off his friendship with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He didn’t want to put them in harms way, and he knew that by being their best friend they were sure to be on the top of Voldemort’s most hated list.

After suffering through Sirius’ death, Harry didn’t know if he had it in him to watch another member of his surrogate family be murdered, let alone know that it was his fault that they were killed.

However for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to cut his ties. Every time he came close to sending the letters of explanation, the idea of never going back the Burrow or spending hours playing chess with Ron and Hermione in front of the commons fire halted this action.

He was brought back to the now and then when a flash of fire and light came out of nowhere by his bed. Harry spun around, wand already drawn and pointed in the direction of the disruption. His hand relaxed though, after seeing what it was that had actual just appeared. Sitting regally on his bed post was Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix. Harry smiled at the elegant bird; he felt a great tie to Fawkes, as it was she who had saved his life from basilisk venom in the Chamber of Secrets.

“’lo Fawkes,” Harry said softly, holding out his hand and letting her hop up onto it. The phoenix crooned softly, and Harry’s mind became completely at ease abolishing the previous grief and sorrow he’d been wallowing in. He stroked the bird’s head softly several times before noticing it had a tightly rolled piece of parchment in its talons. He pulled the letter from her grasp and set her back on the bed post so as to allow him to read the letter. Once unfurled, Harry squinted at the small loop-de-do cursive that he knew all too well.


I have just received word from Alastor about your confrontation with him. First off, let me say how sorry I am I have not told you everything, alas I am still trying to overcome the secrecy I built around your protection. I promise I will strive to tell you more explicitly of what is going on.

Furthermore I also understand that you have befriended a young girl by the name of Miss. Emmaline Massey. She is indeed a witch and has also just received her letter of acceptance. Alastor told me that you wish that I speak to her. I can completely understand and am willing to help. I would be honored if you went with me to their house this Thursday so as we can better tell her about the wizarding world. I also see it as a time where we may be able to sort out a few other problems that may be bothering you. Please respond via Fawkes, for Fudge is still keeping an annoyingly close watch on all incoming owl post coming in and out of Hogwarts.

Yours humble servant,

Albus Dumbledore

Harry reread the letter once again to take in all the information. He then sat down on his bed and once again began petting Fawkes. While the letter certainly helped take the edge off of his resentment towards Dumbledore, he couldn’t help but still feel somewhat bitter towards his headmaster. I just wish I could be told everything. I mean isn’t it me who has to fight Voldemort, so why is everyone keeping secrets from me when I need to know what he’s doing the most. Harry’s scorn rose once again in his belly, and the mirror in front of his bed started to shake somewhat.

Fawkes called softly once again, nuzzling the side of his head. His anger once again subsided as the phoenix’s calming effect took hold. “Thank you Fawkes, I guess I should write that reply shouldn’t I?” Harry stood up, rustled around for a piece of parchment and rapidly penned out his response.


I’ll meet you at the Massey’s house at 11 AM on this Thursday; if this is acceptable you don’t need to reply. Concerning the other topic you mentioned, I’ll be willing to discuss it with you when we meet.

Until then,


Harry forced himself to be as polite and curt as he could when responding back to the headmaster, although he wanted to write a scathing note worthy of Rita Skeeter he held himself back knowing it would do no one any good to get in a public fight with Dumbledore.

He rolled the note up and placed it in Fawkes’ talons. The phoenix called out once more then once again disappeared in a flash of light and flames. Harry sighed once more when he heard Uncle Vernon come marching up the stairs in a huff. In his anger he seemingly forgot the last time he caught Harry in a bad mood, he stormed in and headed right for the boy. His pudgy hands extended and aimed at Harry’s neck. Harry held up his hand palm outwards and just looked at Uncle Vernon with a rueful smile.

“Not right now Uncle Vernon, actually it would be best if you never did it again.” Vernon had come to a sudden halt just a foot away from Harry and was now hovering a good foot off the floor looking at the boy with the utmost incredulity. “Bye-Bye” Harry said as he pointed to the door with his hand and the fat man went sailing through he door once again. Apparently you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, or in this case a fat uncle a lesson. Harry thought to himself with mild amusement. While Madam Bone’s had warned him about misusing his allowance to do magic, he simply wrote this little incident off to protecting his own neck, literally.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Chapter 2.5 (Learning to Conjure)

A/N This is the hidden chapter I promised you all. Of course it doesn't fit in anywhere, and I'm sure once you read it you'll understand why. Harry was becoming too strong too fast. I'll probably give him powers like this later but not right now. Enjoy, although it's short and I'm not promising anything!

It was not like he got much to eat, but he definitely was feeling hungry, so he sat there imagining Mrs. Weasley’s homemade mince pies, the ones that he got for Christmas every year. They were so good, he would give anything for one of those right now, in fact he would settle for a carrot stick right now.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to steal some food from the fridge when Aunt Petunia isn’t looking.

When he was thinking this he heard a snap from behind him. Startled he turned around to face his bed, on it lay a plate stacked with mince pies. It looked as if they had just come out of the oven.

Bloody hell, how did this happen? I don’t have a house elf, and Hedwig couldn’t have brought them she’s still off delivering the notes. Well maybe they’re just a mirage.

Thinking this he reached out to grab one of the pies; he felt the heat of it and took a bite. Nope, they’re definitely real. I would love a butterbeer that would definitely make a nice lunch. Right in front of him a huge bottle of the stuff appeared right next to the plate of pies.

“What’s going on, how can I do this?” He said out loud to himself. He tried to find an explanation for this, but the only reason he could come up with was that he was conjuring objects without a wand. Well I guess going from wandless magic to wandless conjuring isn’t that big of a step. He decided to test his theory; he imagined an entire banquet, complete with table and punch bowl. He closed his eyes and concentrated.

Harry heard the ‘snap’ sound and opened his eyes to find a massive banquet table filled with steaming food, there was even an ice sculpture carved in the shape of a dragon.

Oh man, I’ll never go hungry again! And I won’t have to sit and eat dinner with Dudley. I wonder why McGonagall never told us about wandless conjuring, I would think that it would be quiet handy. I’ll have to ask Hermione later, right now I’m going to have a nice big lunch.

After his discovery The days were passing much more quickly now; in the morning he would walk, or sometimes jog, up to the park and swing with Emma, talking about their lives. She was interesting to talk to and was very intelligent, almost like a miniature Hermione. She’d grown up a single child and didn’t have many friends because she would make weird things happen when she got angry or scared. This startled Harry because it was so similar to his own childhood. Harry told her not to worry, and stay strong, because he would be her friend no matter what happened.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Chapter 8: Frayed Alliances

A/N:THIS IS NOT MY WORK! I would rather avoid any sort of lawsuit by the amazing J.K. Rowling, I am simply her faithful scribe who wants to add to her amazing world.

Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.

More comments = faster writing and posting

Yes I know that these chapters are ridiculously short, and must be causing some of you grief, but for the first part of the story I sort of want to test the waters and see who likes my story before I start transcribing huge chunks of my paper onto the computer. It really does take a ridiculously long time. If you guys keep commenting, even just one word so I know whether or not I should continue I’ll start posting larger pieces, but be warned they will come further in between, not every other day like these have so far.

Harry was halfway home when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stick up, something told him someone was following him. He pretended not to notice but slowly raised his hand up in the general direction of where he thought the person was. Whoever was watching would have just seen a scrawny teenager waving at thin air, however this wasn’t so. He really had just cast a petrifying spell on whomever it was that was invisible, and then bound them with ropes he’d conjured. He’d now been able to cast basic spells completely wandless, and with he was still working on making the harder curses and jinxes work wandlessly too. Harry felt that the ability to fight without a wand could be a lifesaver when it came to the final battle.

Harry approached cautiously, with his wand out now, and pointed in the direction of where the person now lay bound and gagged. His foot hit the invisible lump and he kicked aside the invisibility cloak. Underneath it was a very belligerent Mad-Eye Moody, whose magical eye was spinning like a top in its socket. Harry waved his wand and murmured “Finite Incantatem.”

Moody was released from the ropes and the spell, and sat upright rubbing his head. His eye was still spinning wildly until he hit his head sharply with the palm of his hand. “Good one Potter,” he grumbled still rubbing the back of his head, “way to have constant vigilance! I only wish you hadn’t dropped me like a sack of potatoes. But seeing as I could have been a death eater you had every right.”

“Sorry, but why are you here in the first place?” Harry asked, his temper rising slightly, as he already knew the answer that Moody was going to give him.

“You can’t honestly believe that Dumbledore would let you go wandering around the neighborhood unguarded, Potter! You’ve had at least one auror guard on you every time you’ve stepped outside. By the way what do you think you’re doing meeting with random muggle girls in the playground. I thought that even you would have more sense than that!” Moody laughed hoarsely.

Harry’s temper flared quickly, his eyes lit from behind with a powerful glow. The dustbins next to them started to quiver ominously, and one or two car alarms went off. He was fed up with Dumbledore regulating everything he did, controlling where and who he met. After his last meeting with him, he thought he would have learned his lesson. I can’t believe he will still do this, even after he was one of the reasons Sirius is dead! Harry squeezed his eyes shut, hiding his tears and counting to ten at the same time. Best not shoot the messenger. He thought to himself as he turned to once again face a now somewhat nervous looking Moody.

“Well, you can tell Dumbledore thank you for looking after me but I can do perfectly well alone, especially without the Order peeking in when I’m in the shower or something. What do you think, Voldemort will bewitch my shower head to drown me?!!! Hah!” Harry laughed incredulously at the thought. “Also, for your information, that ‘girl’ is a witch she has her letter from Hogwarts if you want to go take a look incase you don’t trust me enough. Now before I leave you to your skulking, I need you to tell Albus to meet with this girl and her mom to explain how this will all work out for them, also to explain the whole Voldemort-is-trying-to-kill-everyone scenario.” Harry glared right at Moody’s, now completely still, magical eye until Moody was forced to blink. He then turned away from the dumbstruck Auror and proceeded up the steps of the Dursley’s house.

Inside his room Harry Potter fumed. He couldn’t understand why he was still being watched like a 3 year-old even though he had been the only one survive a duel with Voldemort three times head on. His anger blocked him from acknowledging that each time he was either extremely lucky, or had someone else to help him.

It’s just not fair, I should be able to deal with things the way I think they should be dealt with, not just be one of Dumbledore’s toys. I just wish I could have a normal life, damn Voldemort, damn his death eaters, damn SNAPE! If he was dead I would still have Sirius. He and Dumbledore forced him to stay at his mother’s house and then Snape teased him into insanity about obeying orders. Damn this prophecy too, why do I have to follow what it says. Couldn’t I just hide away somewhere? I wish I could talk to someone about this. At that moment something clicked inside his head, I can talk to Ginny. I can tell her about all this, well most of it. Not the prophecy right now, but later. She’ll understand, and she won’t freak out like Ron or ‘Mione would.

Harry sat down and tugged a blank piece of parchment out form underneath the large pile of defensive spell books. He sucked on his quill thoughtfully for a while, contemplating where exactly he was going to start. He took a deep breath then started to scribble out his thoughts to Ginny, hoping he was making the right choice in telling her all this.

It was almost nighttime by the time Harry finished the final sentence of his confessional to Ginny. He was still angry about what had occurred earlier, but by writing it down if felt as if a large weight was lifted from his shoulders.

He rolled the letter up and gave it to Hedwig, who had just returned from hunting. “Okay girl this letter’s for Ginny again. Don’t wake her if she’s asleep but make sure she gets it, and only her. Peck Ron to death it he tries to take it from you.” The white owl nipped his finger affectionately as if in understanding, then leapt up to the windowsill spread her wings and took flight.

Harry sighed deeply, hoping that Ginny would understand what he was feeling, and maybe could tell him what to do to help get rid of these dreams.

As he pulled on his pajamas and crawled into his bed he thought despairingly of the unsettling dreams he would soon become prey to once again. At least in real life you could run away from the bad thing, in dreams you had to sit and watch the event play out, trapped in your own mind.

A/N Either tomorrow or the next day I will be releasing a special 'lost chapter' or part of one, which was supposed to go inbetween 5 and 6. I decided that I was progressing Harry's powers too much so I cut it. Youll get to see it though, lucky dogs.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Chapter 7: The Magic Revelation

A/N:THIS IS NOT MY WORK! I would rather avoid any sort of lawsuit by the amazing J.K. Rowling . This brings me and so may other people so much enjoyment, so thank you for not stopping us from writing Jo.

Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.

More comments = faster writing and posting

The next day Joy stayed home from work so she could talk to Harry about the letter she’d gotten. It was just a little after ten when Harry came with Emma to their house.

“Hello Ms. Massey! How are you today?” Harry asked cheerfully.

“I’m fine Harry, I was wondering if I might be able to talk to you for a moment, just in the living room. We’ll only be a moment Emma.” She gestured towards the room off the hallway.

Harry gulped nervously, why did she want to talk to him privately? Out of sheer paranoia Harry’s hand traveled to his wand inside his jacket pocket.

“Harry, come over here sit down,” she patted the seat next to her then seeing his expression she added, “oh don’t worry you’re not in trouble I just was wondering if you might be able to help me understand this letter I got from an owl last night.” Joy pulled out the letter which she had, by now, read it many times.

Harry saw the parchment and immediately understood what she had wanted to talk to him about; it was Emma’s acceptance letter. He grinned.

“Do you know what this is? Is it a joke you’re pulling on Emma?” She asked curiously, noticing that he had seemingly noticed the letter.

“Well I know who it’s from, it’s from Hogwarts; you know, my school? I bet you’re wondering if it’s true or not?” Harry asked.

“It can’t possibly be true! I mean there aren’t such things, they just exist in fairytale books, don’t they?” She asked uncertainly.

Harry just nodded, “Would you like a demonstration? You should bring Emma in here also, does she know?”

She shook her head and rushed off to go get her daughter, a moment later she came in with Emma in tow. “Honey, yesterday you got a letter from someone, actually it was from Harry’s school Hogwarts. Well you got accepted into the school, if you wish to go I’ll be supportive of your decision. Now there is something that may seem a little, odd… well I can’t exactly explain it. Harry?” She looked over at him pleadingly.

“Sure,” he turned towards Emma, “Hogwarts isn’t just a boarding school… it’s a school for a certain group of people, more specifically wizards.” He looked at her expression in which he saw the same disbelieving look that he had given Hagrid six years before.

“Well how ‘bout I just show you what I mean, seeing is believing right?” He smiled jokingly, as he pulled out his wand. “Yes Emma this isn’t a toy from my parents, this is a wand. Ok then, here we go, conflagra!” He said commandingly, pointing his wand at the fireplace. Instantly a roaring fire erupted in what was, moments before, a stone cold hearth.

“WOAH!!!” Emma yelled. Joy dropped the letter in disbelief and just stared at Harry in amazement.

“Yeah that’s what I thought when I figured out, I couldn’t believe such a thing existed. Are you ok Mrs. Massey? You look a little stunned.” Harry said, grinning slightly.

“Oh, yes…yes I’m fine it’s just a lot to take in all at once. It is hard to believe that such a thing exists. How do people not know about wizards? I mean I’ve never heard anyone talk about them outside of fairytales.” She took a deep breath trying to calm herself. Emma still just stood, staring at Harry, completely gobsmacked.

“Hogwarts will teach you everything you need to know, and you’ll no longer be ‘weird’ just because you sometimes let your magic get away from you. Everyone there has done some sort of involuntary magic at some point in their life. And you’ll love everyone there, the teachers are great also, they’ll help you learn all about the magical world.” Harry smiled at the ecstatic 11 year old, he knew exactly how she felt at the moment; excited that she was a witch, but also still somewhat doubtful that this was all actually true.

“Mrs. Massey? Would it make you more comfortable to meet the headmaster of Hogwarts? I’m sure I could convince him to come over and talk to you for a while about how everything works. I remember how confused I was, I was brought up by muggles,” then seeing their confused expression, “sorry, non-magic people, so I didn’t know anything either.”

“I would like that very much Harry, it would just be nice to know a little more about where I’m sending my daughter before I pack her tings.”

“So I’m going? I can actually go?” Emma asked her mother excitedly.

“Yes dear, of course I want you to go, if this place will make you happy and allow you to fit in, then why not? And I know your father would let you also, right now he’s up in heaven smiling at you.”

Emma jumped into her mother’s arms, and hugged her tightly, both of them had tears in their eyes. Harry took this as his cue to leave. “Well I think I’ll go, I have a lot of chores to do for my Aunt and Uncle, and I need to see if Dumbledore can meet with you.”

Joy and Emma both said goodbye, and Harry let himself out the front door. He strolled down the sidewalk towards the Dursley’s house trying to work out how he was going to get Dumbledore to come to the Massey’s house. He thought that Dumbledore might not want to talk to him after what Harry had done to his office upon hearing about the prophecy. And he did tell me not to have any contact with anyone who I didn’t know, so he might be mad that I became friends with Emma.

A/N As a bonus for reading on my blog I will now give you the first couple of sentences of the next chapter due up sometime next week.

Harry was halfway home when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stick up, something told him someone was following him. He pretended not to notice but slowly raised his hand up in the general direction of where he thought the person was.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chapter 6: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus

A/N: This all belongs to Miss Rowling herself, she's created it, and owns it. I am just adding my two cents to her story. Also I know, I know, I know. This is a very, very short chapter but I need it for the next one, but the next one is very long so you'll just have to hang on until next week. Thanks

Chapter 6:Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus

It had been a long day for Joy, she had just gotten back from a tedious day at court and now just wanted to have a nice dinner with Emma and go to bed early. She walked into the kitchen to get dinner started for her and Emma, when she saw a large bird standing in the kitchen window frame. That’s not just a bird that’s an owl, what’s an owl doing at our window? And what’s that in its beak, it looks like a letter.

The owl gave a soft hoot as it dropped the envelope on the counter, spread its wings and flew back out the window, leaving a completely bewildered Joy reaching for the envelope tentatively.

She first noticed that it was addressed to Emma, more specifically Emmaline Massey of Number Eight Broom Hall Lane, Upper Left Bedroom. Well that’s oddly specific she thought to herself as the she broke the wax seal which had a very odd looking coat of arms on it with the inscription Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus. She unfolded the letter and began to read:

Dear Miss Massey,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await you owl by no later than July 31.

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Joy stared at the letter with complete incredulity. What is this? This HAS got to be a joke! There aren’t such things as witchcraft. And I’ve never heard of this school before… hold on, I have heard this name before! Wait... Harry said that’s where he goes to school! Maybe he’s pulling a prank on us, but why? It doesn’t seem like something he’d do. Oh well, I won’t tell Emmaline until I talk to Harry about this. It doesn’t make any sense.

Re-reading the letter over and over again Joy went about preparing dinner for Emma, before she came back from her playdate.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Chapter 5: Letters and Dreams

Harry and all the characters in this story belong to the esteemed J.K. Rowling. I’m not making any money off it, and after all isn’t imitation the best flattery anyway?

That night Harry sat down to write a response to Ginny’s letter, he’d been working on what to say ever since he got the letter. He was sure now that he wanted to tell her how he felt, but now I a way that shouted ‘I love you!’ It had taken him two hours and about four feet of parchment but Harry finally managed to get his thoughts down on paper.

He re-read it to make sure it said what he wanted it to, signed the bottom and walked over to Hedwig.

“Ok girl, this is for Ginny, take it directly to her room ok?” Hedwig nipped his finger as if in understanding, turned on her perch and flew out of the open window into the night.

It’s out of my hands now. I only hope that Ginny likes me in that way, and I wasn’t reading too much into it thinking that she liked me.

Harry laid down on his bed, fully clothed, and closed his eyes to another fitful night full of bad dreams.

Ginny was in her pajamas combing her hair, she had just taken a shower and was about to go to bed. She’d been worried about how Harry would take the letter she had written him. I hope it wasn’t too vague; I want him to know that I still do like him. But maybe he doesn’t, will he just think that the letter is just from a friend. I could swear that sometimes I see a glimmer of something in his eyes; those deep green eyes. Get a hold of yourself Gin’! If he likes you then he’ll write back, if he doesn’t then he’s just a friend.

Ginny stopped suddenly hearing a tapping noise on her window, Hedwig was there holding a letter. Her heart leapt as she raced over to the window. Throwing it open she let Hedwig in and took the letter from her. Hedwig looked around for a moment then flew off.

Ginny didn’t know why but her hands were shaking out of nervousness. She sat down and tore the envelope open.

Ginny, or is it Gin’?

Thank you for the letter you sent me, it’s nice to know that there are people out there who care for me. Sorry I didn’t write back sooner I’ve been trying to figure out what to write.

First thing, I am glad that you consider me to be a friend, I am sorry that I haven’t ever really noticed you before, I guess it was just me being afraid of your brother’s reaction, remember how he responded to you and Dean.

For some reason I feel that I can talk to you about this, I hope you don’t see me as weak once you’ve finished this letter. I’ve been having trouble sleeping, every single bloody night I get nightmares. Ones where Ron, Hermione, Lupin, even you, are killed in some way that’s my fault. And if it’s not that dream then I just replay the battle in the department of mysteries. I get only a couple of hours of sleep a night… blimey I’m so tired even right now. I remember you saying that you had nightmares after the chamber of secrets, do you still have them? Can you get rid of them? It would be nice if I could get at least a couple of hours more sleep.

I know that Ron will always protect you, but maybe he would let up a little bit if he knew I was with you. You really are a good friend, and I’m so sorry that I dragged you into the Department of Mysteries, I should have made you stay. You’re too important to me loose, I don’t know why I didn’t notice it last year.

Anyway, I hope I don’t seem defenseless or weak to you now, I just had to tell someone and you offered to listen to me. Can’t wait to see you all again, hopefully soon.

Love, Harry

Ginny’s eyes fogged over with tears, she couldn’t believe that he’d actually written back to her, and exposed himself to her so much. It also seemed that Harry was looking at her differently, he said that he was afraid of what Ron would do if he went out with her. I can take care of my brother, maybe then he’ll make his move.

She looked back down at the letter, he’s having bad dreams? Well, how couldn’t he after everything he’s suffered through, I’m just surprised he hasn’t completely snapped under the weight of everything.

The first few months after Ginny had been rescued by Harry from the young Lord Voldemort she had barely been able to close her eyes in fear of being repossessed. It had taken the combined efforts of Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore to finally allow her to get a decent night’s sleep, and that was with the aid of a dreamless sleep potion. Why wasn’t Dumbledore giving him that same help she got? Was it because he couldn’t help? Or was it to make sure it did not interfere with Harry’s trespasses into Voldemort’s consciousness?

Emotionally exhausted Ginny crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep thinking of Harry’s continuous plight and how she might help him.