Dumbledore smiled at the compassion the young girl showed for Harry. It’s just the thing he needs right now, love. He’s lost so much to this war, probably the most out of everyone, and he needs something to focus his mind and allow him to get through the next years of his life unscathed.
After taking a moment to compose herself, Ginny looked up at the headmaster with an expression of determination. “What can we do to stop him?”
“Alas, I do not know. I have studied that very problem for over a decade now and I still cannot find a way to defeat Voldemort. It would appear that whatever steps he has taken to protect himself have so far worked; him coming back from the near dead is proof enough. Whatever it is that will be able to destroy Tom is hidden inside Harry. All we can do is support him as much as possible.”
Harry grimaced as he once again was reminded of how he was no longer just a person, but a weapon. Ginny noticed this reaction too and grabbed one of his hands firmly as she stared into his eyes. “Harry James Potter, you better listen to me, you aren’t only good for killing this lunatic, you need to stay alive. There are people who love you, like my mum and dad, and my brother, and Hermione….and me.” She said the last part softly, almost whispering it.
Harry closed his eyes, fighting off tears, trying not to lose it in front of his headmaster. After giving himself a moment to compose himself he raised his bloodshot eyes to Dumbledore. “Sir, you know how you said that Ginny and I are going to have to stay close together, how are we going to do that? I mean, you said that I would have to stay here for a while so the blood magic still works so I can’t go to headquarters…”
“Ah, yes I can see the problem. Well, while I’m not quite sure you mother will be happy with this. As of right now, unless you have any objections Miss Weasley, I have arranged for you and your old professor Lupin, to stay here.” Dumbledore’s smile broadened as the two tired teenager’s faces lit up with excitement.
“You mean here, at the Dursley’s! That’s bloody brilliant!” Harry shouted, completely forgetting is current company momentarily, “Oops, er… sorry headmaster, just got a little excited.” Harry said apologetically.
“What did you say, you’ll have to speak up, I don’t have the best hearing you know.” He said smiling absently at the book shelf.
“Uh, sir, what about clothes and beds and stuff. I mean this bedroom already small as it is. We probably couldn’t fit much more than a house elf right now.”
At that Dumbledore stood up and vanished his recliner. “I actually have a solution for that problem too. Even since I learned about Dumbledore’s Army, and where it was located, specifically the Room of Requirement, I went about researching ways to make another such room. I had to go through some particularly nasty books to find the right combination of charms to do it. Once I used the wrong set of charms and turned my bedroom into a rainforest, complete with lion.” Dumbledore laughed loudly, and Harry and Ginny joined in too, trying to imagine the headmaster in his nightgown trying to find his bed in a rainforest.
Whipping out his wand he continued, “Well you’ll be happy to know I found the charm. Now if you’ll just step close to me, this will take just a moment. Don’t worry Harry, I guarantee you that your room will not be turned into a rainforest.” He started to wave his wand in a complicated swooping pattern, causing the air around it to glow, “however I cannot say the same for a swamp.”
After another moment’s time the bedroom began to vibrate ever so slightly, then a gold light seemed to seep from every part of the room. Dumbledore, Ginny, and Harry were in one corner, shielding their eyes from the intense light. How the neighbors, let alone the Dursleys, didn’t wake up from what looked liked an entire stadium worth of lights in one little room, completely escaped Harry.
Soon there was a loud grinding noise and a pop and the light dissipated slowly leaving the room exactly the same way it was before.
“Did it work?” Ginny asked, squinting still because of the now sudden darkness.
“Would you like to do the honors Miss Weasley?” The headmaster asked playfully, almost like a child.
Ginny closed her eyes once again and thought of something. Just like in the Room of Requirement after she’d said it to herself three times she felt movement around her and opened her eyes, and gasped.
There was no longer a bed, nor a table, in fact there wasn’t even a floor anymore instead they were now standing on a grassy hill just like the one in both Ginny and Harry’s dreams.
“Well, sure seems like it work, unless this is another dream.” Harry said enthusiastically, “this will certainly make defense practice a little easier, and our housing situation. When will Lupin be coming, I think that I better leave telling my Uncle about these new arrangements to him. I’m just a little small, and I honestly don’t think I know a jinx strong enough to take him down if he gets as mad as I think he might.”
“Point taken, I have arranged for him to come tomorrow morning. He is very eager to do this, I daresay it’s the happiest I’ve seen him in a long time.” Dumbledore pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time, “it would seem that it almost is morning anyways. Well I do need at least two hours of sleep a night and I think that you two could do with some also. I will have your mother pack some things for you tomorrow Miss Weasley, and will have Remus take them over with his belongings. If you have any further quandaries concerning this new bond, feel free to owl me anytime, and remember to always be cautious when taking excursions outside of the house. I hope to see you both soon again. Good morning.” With that the old headmaster tipped his head and vanished with a soft pop.
Ginny turned towards the still blanket covered Harry and grinned. “I think we should try and get a little sleep tonight, don’t you?”
Harry shifted his blanket nervously, trying to cover up as much of himself as possible, while also noticing Ginny didn’t seem to mind his lack of clothing. “Uh, I guess you’re right.” Harry closed his eyes and the room changed to reveal two identical beds next to each other. “Which one do you want?”
Ginny took the one closest to her, and Harry climbed into his, trying to keep his blanket on for as long as possible before slipping under the covers. Soon Harry turned the light out, wished Ginny goodnight. As both of them were started to fall asleep, their minds tried to sort out the complicated mix of emotions that had just recently been stirred up.
Both of them had only been asleep for an hour, dreaming of the usual picnic, now seeing each other instead of a blur. The moment they kissed again however Harry woke up to find himself on top of Ginny’s bed kissing her in real life. Ginny’s eyes sprung open wide in shock. Harry pulled away immediately, falling completely off the bed in surprise.
“Not again!” He said as he rubbed his head for the second time that night.
“Looks like this Heartbond is stronger than we thought it was, seems like we have to be in the same bed for it to be happy.” Ginny said laughing groggily, pulling her covers down and motioning for Harry to get in.
‘What, I can’t sleep in the same bed as you, think what your brother will do.” Harry said, scooting away from the bed in mock horror.
“Listen, I know you won’t do anything, and I won’t tell my brother, but I am tired and you look like it too. Now if you want to get some sleep get over here, if you want to keep hitting your head on the floor go to your own.” She said huffily.
It didn’t take Harry long to realize what he was actually arguing about and nervously crawled into Ginny’s bed, trying to settle himself as far away from her as possible. But she seemed opposed to the idea and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Night Harry,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.
“Good night Gin’,” Harry closed his eyes too and drifted off to deep sleep.