A/N: Harry Potter and all contents belong to the master of the quill, miss J.K. Rowling. I’m only 16, I don’t have a lawyer, I’m not making any money off of this, and I don’t have any money for you to sue me for.
The two teens just stared at Lupin dumbly. He sighed and tried to think of another way to explain it. I’m not an expert at this, what I’ve told them is everything I know about it right now. They will need to know more about it if they’re going to be bonded for the rest of their lives. Maybe I could take them to headquarters, let Dumbledore explain things. Lupin thought over it for a second then came to his conclusion. “Ok, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to head over to headquarters really quickly and see if Dumbledore can come over here and explain it. I really am not the one you want to be asking about this whole thing, and there are a lot of details that I’m sure only he knows of.”
Ginny spoke up first, finally snapping out of her astonishment and confusion. “Do you promise that he will tell us everything? I mean from what I’ve heard from Harry the headmaster seems to be keeping us in the dark on a lot of things.”
Harry was touched that Ginny would stand up for him, but knew it was fruitless; Dumbledore was too used to keeping things a secret. He would never tell them anything more than what was necessary.
“It’s okay Gin, it’d just be nice for him to come here and tell us what is going on. I mean you said, Lupin, that he knew that this could happen for a long time. So I’m sure he’s had plenty of time to research it.” The sarcasm in his voice seemed to drop the temperature of the bedroom just a little.
Lupin just shook his head, he didn’t know exactly what had passed between Harry and Dumbledore after the Department of Mysteries, but it had made a profound effect on the boy’s trust of the headmaster. He’d thought that Dumbledore treated Harry like his own son, trying to take care of him. It wasn’t a secret at Hogwarts that Dumbledore adored the boy. It shook him to know that a riff had grown between the two.
“Well Harry I can’t promise anything, but I’ll leave right now and try to get him to come here and explain things to you two. All I do know for certain is that you will make an excellent couple, just like James and Lily.” He smiled softly, patted Harry on the shoulder and made for the door.
“Wait, Lupin!” Harry started as he was heading out of his room. “What about the wards, you said that someone broke through them, are you sure they’re still there?”
Lupin laughed softly, “Yes I’m quite sure, it took me quite a while to apparate into you room, even with the passes Dumbledore gave me. Now if I can’t get the headmaster to come I’ll be back shortly, meanwhile, you two don’t get into any trouble.” He winked, and then disapperated with a ‘pop’.
Harry turned to Ginny, and smiled foolishly. “So, ummm… how’s you’re summer been so far?”
Ginny just laughed, “It’s been okay, you know that though sill, remember how you’ve been writing me for the past month and a half?”
“Oh yeah, right.” He stuttered embarrassingly, “about that, thank you.” Ginny was about to speak up, but he cut her off, “no really I mean it, I know you didn’t have to do it, but you really helped me through a tough time, I just feel comfortable talking to you.”
Ginny now had tears in her eyes, she hadn’t seen Harry for over a month, but it felt as if they had become unbelievably close. She had never felt like this before, she cared for him, she loved him.
Harry stepped closer towards her, subconsciously she stepped closer also. Harry was about to say something more, but she just stepped closer until she could look right into his emerald green eyes, they seemed to sparkle with the light of the moon coming through the window. Before she knew it, she was kissing him, not passionate, not lustful, just loving.
Harry was surprised but happy; he too had felt the draw and had begun to get closer to Ginny as he spoke. He thought he knew what love was like when he and Cho were first going out, but he threw that notion out the window. Something told him Ginny was always there for him.
The kiss lasted for what could have been a second, or an hour, both drawing strength from the other. They both had hurts that they needed to heal from over the past years. Harry had never had anyone to really and truly love him, and now that he did his entire body seemed to relax. The worry of the prophecy or the death of Sirius slipping from his mind for the first time in a very long while.
Their kiss was broken abruptly by the noise of a soft crack, and a flash of light. There before them stood Dumbledore smiling amusedly. Harry as so shocked he jumped back from Ginny as if she were on fire, tripped on the blanket which had slipped from his waist onto the floor, and fell back first onto his floor. Ginny too jumped at the sudden interruption of their first kiss, but managed to stay upright although she did need to lean on the foot board of the bed for support.
Dumbledore just looked at the two teens and chuckled, “I am sorry to interrupt you two, but Remus has told me that there may have been a new development.”
Harry groaned as he rubbed his head from the fall, then noticed he was still just in his boxers and struggled to cover himself up once again. Ginny flushed red, feeling as if the headmaster knew what she and Harry had been doing a second before he appeared.
“If you call Ginny suddenly apperating on top of me in my sleep a ‘new development’ then yes, I think you are right in saying so.” Harry said as he slumped onto the bed next to Ginny.
Dumbledore just laughed and conjured a big leather chair for him to sit in, and three bottles of butterbeer for them to drink. “Well I believe your old professor told you the basics of the Heartbond, he got me in hopes of telling you the intricacies, which I dare say are many. So you already know that both Merlin and Godric Gryffindor had the same thing. Do you know anything about the bond itself?”
“Well Lupin said that it bonded Harry and I, he said we would grow much faster physically and mentally. He also said it would help us win our battles, hopefully we won’t have to have any more battles one fight with Tom is enough for me.”
Harry shifted uncomfortably, and then stared pleadingly at Dumbledore and then at Ginny.
The headmaster seemed to understand his predicament. “Harry, while it is your choice in the end, I would be willing to tell her for you.”
Ginny looked inquisitively at Harry, raising her eyebrow. “Thank you headmaster, but I think I’ll wait until after you tell us about this Heartbond.”
“Very well,” Dumbledore resituated himself in his chair and began again, “now what I am going to tell you is all from my research, there hasn’t been a book or scroll written on the Heartbond, just myths, fables. The Heartbond was first scene in action when it linked Gwendoloena to Merlin, when he was fighting Morgana. It is said that because of this bond that was forged from pure love, Merlin’s powers increased startlingly, allowing him to vanquish the dark witch. In Godric Gryffindor’s case, he was bonded with another one of the other founders of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw. Again it is said that because of the bond Godric was able to defeat the dark wizard of their time Hlothere.
It would now appear that you two have been Heartbonded, and I need not tell you who it is in hopes of defeating. If my research is correct, you two will begin to start growing exceedingly fast, both physically and magically. Apparently Merlin and Godric both ended up being the most powerful wizards of their times because of this bond, the ladies too were strengthened. Now there is a bit of a snag that we will have to overcome. Now that you two are bonded you will have to stay in relatively close relationship to each other in order for you to grow. While I do not know that full extent of that requirement I am quite sure that it will require one of you two staying with the other for the rest of the summer and the school year.” Harry and Ginny shared surprised but excited expressions. “Now I do know that this part is true because of your little outing tonight Miss Weasley. The moment Harry turned 16 the bond seemed to go into full power, thus increasing your apparent need for Miss Weasley here. The bond it very strong indeed, it managed to break through my wards, which, excuse my hubris, is quite a feat. Now I know that your mother will not be too pleased with this small turn of events, nor will the Dursley’s most likely. But it is necessary if you wish to survive; it is a very good thing that you two were bonded. A very good thing indeed.” The headmaster said softly, staring into space.
It was completely quiet for a moment until Ginny spoke up. “Excuse me sir, but does this mean that Harry and I were always destined for each other?” Ginny asked softly, staring wide-eyed at Harry, who also had a similar expression.
“Well I wasn’t positive until now, but ever since the Chamber of Secrets, when Harry here rescued you, literally sacrificing his own life to save yours, I felt that there may be something deeper. Love like that cannot be easily created, just like your love for Ron, Hermione, and now the young lady Miss. Massey. Each of these are strong, but now that your love is strengthened by the bond you have even a greater chance. Do you recall what I showed you in my office, ‘he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…” You may have just found it Harry.” Dumbledore said, with a soft smile, his eyes twinkling.
“What is he talking about Harry?” Ginny whispered softly to Harry, who had a face of revelation plastered on his face.
“Professor, is that all you know of the Heartbond?” Harry asked.
“Yes, that is all I have gathered, it should be interesting to see how it progresses in you two. I feel there may be many surprises this next year.” The Headmaster said, already knowing what Harry was going to ask of him.
“Would it be okay to show Ginny it now, I mean, we are bonded now.” He laughed emotionlessly, he didn’t want to frighten the girl he loved with thoughts of him dying and Voldemort winning, but he knew she had to see it if she was to help.
“I think it is a wise idea Harry, also it would be a good idea to show Ron and Hermione when you get a chance. Would you like me to do it?” Dumbledore asked, pulling his wand out of his robes.
Harry just nodded, not looking Ginny in the eyes.
“Very well, vocamusincrantantem!” Immediately a small figure of professor Trelawney appeared on the floor of Harry’s bedroom. It began to talk in the harsh voice a huge variance from her usual ethereal voice.
`The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches… born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies … and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not … and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives … the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies …'
The last syllables echoed off the walls, and the image flickered away. The room was left completely silent save Ginny’s quite sobs of anguish.
Harry grabbed her in his arms and held her closely, not wanting her to cry anymore, not wanting anything to happen to her.
“Is that what the prophecy said? The one that was crushed?” She said between gasps.
“Yes, and no one but you, I, and the headmaster know about it. You need to keep it a secret, you can’t even tell your brother or Hermione yet. I will when I get the chance.” Harry said softly, stroking her hair softly. He was surprised at how natural comforting Ginny was.
“And you have to kill him? Or else he’ll…kill you?” She said holding back another cry.
Harry nodded softly in approbation.
“I’ll help you Harry, I’ll help you kill him if it’s the last thing I do.”