A/N:THIS IS NOT MY WORK! I would rather avoid any sort of lawsuit by the amazing J.K. Rowling, I am simply her faithful scribe who wants to add to her amazing world.
Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.
More comments = faster writing and posting
Yes I know that these chapters are ridiculously short, and must be causing some of you grief, but for the first part of the story I sort of want to test the waters and see who likes my story before I start transcribing huge chunks of my paper onto the computer. It really does take a ridiculously long time. If you guys keep commenting, even just one word so I know whether or not I should continue I’ll start posting larger pieces, but be warned they will come further in between, not every other day like these have so far.
Harry was halfway home when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stick up, something told him someone was following him. He pretended not to notice but slowly raised his hand up in the general direction of where he thought the person was. Whoever was watching would have just seen a scrawny teenager waving at thin air, however this wasn’t so. He really had just cast a petrifying spell on whomever it was that was invisible, and then bound them with ropes he’d conjured. He’d now been able to cast basic spells completely wandless, and with he was still working on making the harder curses and jinxes work wandlessly too. Harry felt that the ability to fight without a wand could be a lifesaver when it came to the final battle.
Harry approached cautiously, with his wand out now, and pointed in the direction of where the person now lay bound and gagged. His foot hit the invisible lump and he kicked aside the invisibility cloak. Underneath it was a very belligerent Mad-Eye Moody, whose magical eye was spinning like a top in its socket. Harry waved his wand and murmured “Finite Incantatem.”
Moody was released from the ropes and the spell, and sat upright rubbing his head. His eye was still spinning wildly until he hit his head sharply with the palm of his hand. “Good one Potter,” he grumbled still rubbing the back of his head, “way to have constant vigilance! I only wish you hadn’t dropped me like a sack of potatoes. But seeing as I could have been a death eater you had every right.”
“Sorry, but why are you here in the first place?” Harry asked, his temper rising slightly, as he already knew the answer that Moody was going to give him.
“You can’t honestly believe that Dumbledore would let you go wandering around the neighborhood unguarded, Potter! You’ve had at least one auror guard on you every time you’ve stepped outside. By the way what do you think you’re doing meeting with random muggle girls in the playground. I thought that even you would have more sense than that!” Moody laughed hoarsely.
Harry’s temper flared quickly, his eyes lit from behind with a powerful glow. The dustbins next to them started to quiver ominously, and one or two car alarms went off. He was fed up with Dumbledore regulating everything he did, controlling where and who he met. After his last meeting with him, he thought he would have learned his lesson. I can’t believe he will still do this, even after he was one of the reasons Sirius is dead! Harry squeezed his eyes shut, hiding his tears and counting to ten at the same time. Best not shoot the messenger. He thought to himself as he turned to once again face a now somewhat nervous looking Moody.
“Well, you can tell Dumbledore thank you for looking after me but I can do perfectly well alone, especially without the Order peeking in when I’m in the shower or something. What do you think, Voldemort will bewitch my shower head to drown me?!!! Hah!” Harry laughed incredulously at the thought. “Also, for your information, that ‘girl’ is a witch she has her letter from Hogwarts if you want to go take a look incase you don’t trust me enough. Now before I leave you to your skulking, I need you to tell Albus to meet with this girl and her mom to explain how this will all work out for them, also to explain the whole Voldemort-is-trying-to-kill-everyone scenario.” Harry glared right at Moody’s, now completely still, magical eye until Moody was forced to blink. He then turned away from the dumbstruck Auror and proceeded up the steps of the Dursley’s house.
Inside his room Harry Potter fumed. He couldn’t understand why he was still being watched like a 3 year-old even though he had been the only one survive a duel with Voldemort three times head on. His anger blocked him from acknowledging that each time he was either extremely lucky, or had someone else to help him.
It’s just not fair, I should be able to deal with things the way I think they should be dealt with, not just be one of Dumbledore’s toys. I just wish I could have a normal life, damn Voldemort, damn his death eaters, damn SNAPE! If he was dead I would still have Sirius. He and Dumbledore forced him to stay at his mother’s house and then Snape teased him into insanity about obeying orders. Damn this prophecy too, why do I have to follow what it says. Couldn’t I just hide away somewhere? I wish I could talk to someone about this. At that moment something clicked inside his head, I can talk to Ginny. I can tell her about all this, well most of it. Not the prophecy right now, but later. She’ll understand, and she won’t freak out like Ron or ‘Mione would.
Harry sat down and tugged a blank piece of parchment out form underneath the large pile of defensive spell books. He sucked on his quill thoughtfully for a while, contemplating where exactly he was going to start. He took a deep breath then started to scribble out his thoughts to Ginny, hoping he was making the right choice in telling her all this.
It was almost nighttime by the time Harry finished the final sentence of his confessional to Ginny. He was still angry about what had occurred earlier, but by writing it down if felt as if a large weight was lifted from his shoulders.
He rolled the letter up and gave it to Hedwig, who had just returned from hunting. “Okay girl this letter’s for Ginny again. Don’t wake her if she’s asleep but make sure she gets it, and only her. Peck Ron to death it he tries to take it from you.” The white owl nipped his finger affectionately as if in understanding, then leapt up to the windowsill spread her wings and took flight.
Harry sighed deeply, hoping that Ginny would understand what he was feeling, and maybe could tell him what to do to help get rid of these dreams.
As he pulled on his pajamas and crawled into his bed he thought despairingly of the unsettling dreams he would soon become prey to once again. At least in real life you could run away from the bad thing, in dreams you had to sit and watch the event play out, trapped in your own mind.
A/N Either tomorrow or the next day I will be releasing a special 'lost chapter' or part of one, which was supposed to go inbetween 5 and 6. I decided that I was progressing Harry's powers too much so I cut it. Youll get to see it though, lucky dogs.