Monday, March 05, 2007

A Very Long Chapter 22

A/N: This is all J.K. Rowling's idea I am merely entertaining myself by writing about her amazing world.

The next morning Harry awoke to Ginny trying to crawl out of bed without waking him.
“Where are you going Gin’?”
“I’ve been trying not to wake you up, you looked tired. Plus it is almost noon,” She said pointing at the alarm clock.
“Wow, I must have been tired. I did feel a little weird after healing Emmeline, must’ve taken more work than I thought,” He shrugged and made to crawl out of bed too, only stopping short half way through. His feet wouldn’t move from the footboard of the bed, he tugged and tugged, even tried Finite Incantatem but nothing would get his feet lose. Meanwhile Ginny was trying to stifle her laughter at his predicament.
“Gin’, this isn’t funny!” He said exasperatedly, “did you do this?”
She shook her head holding back her laughs, “No, the twins did, came in a little later last night. Said it was your initiation into the family, also they thought not being able to get down to breakfast, oh excuse me, lunch, on time would be funny.”
“Well would you get one of them up here and make them undo it before I have enough time to think up a really good revenge!” He said pointing at his unmovable feet.
“Okay, but first try something wandless, you know, what Lupin taught us. It doesn’t even just have to be a spell, just think hard enough about what you want to happen and they may just un-stick.”
“K’, just give me a second,” Harry said closing his eyes. It took several minutes of silence and frustrated grunts but finally his right foot slid off of the footboard. “Whoa! I can’t believe I just did that, I could feel the magic build up and then it just slid off.”
“That’s great, try the other one now,” Ginny said encouragingly.
This time he only had to close his eyes for several second before his left foot dropped to the bed.
“Wow, this is great. I can get out of Fred and George’s traps now. I can’t wait to tell Moony what I can do now? Do you reckon this is from the Bond?” He asked.
“Probably,” Ginny said helping Harry up, then looked him up and down, “now that has to be from the Bond, look!” She said standing next to him, “yesterday I was at your nose, now I’m at your neck! You’ve grown four inches in one night!”
Harry hurried over to the mirror and examined himself, taking note that he really had gotten taller, he then looked over at Ginny and smiled. “Gin’ I think you’ve grown too, look at your pajama pants. We just got those and they are already up to your ankles.”
“You’re right; I must’ve grown a couple inches too! Wow I can’t wait until I’m taller than Ron,” Ginny said admiring her new height.
“All this growing has made me hungry, let’s go down and try and get some lunch before your brother eats it all,” Harry said grabbing her hand and pulling her down the stairs.
All the other kids were already in the kitchen sitting down for lunch when Ginny and Harry came in. The group was discussing the events of last night and asking how Emmeline Vance was feeling. Emma saw the two first, waved, and said, “Morning!”
“Morning Em’ how’d you sleep? Hey where are all the Order Members, usually they at least have a guard?” Harry asked as he sat down and began to grab some food.
“Tonks said they would be back before dinner, she told us they were going to try and round up a couple more Death Eaters that were spotted in Diagon Alley. And mum and Joy went grocery shopping for dinner.” Ron said while at the same time chewing a sandwich.
“Miss Weasley said that we’re going diagonally tomorrow!” Emma said enthusiastically.
“Huh,” Harry asked, “Oh, Diagon Alley, right. We do need to go there I need to get some new stuff for my classes, and we can visit Fred and George’s shop! Hold on, I don’t know what classes I’m taking yet, I completely forgot about O.W.L.s, have you lot gotten your’s yet?” Harry asked Ron and Hermione.
“Nope, not yet,” Ron said shaking his head, Hermione just looked mournful. Harry had forgotten how important these were to Hermione, and could only imagine how stressed she was now.
“Dumbledore said they should show up pretty soon, things got a little bollixed with the tests this year. Apparently Umbridge tried to flunk most of her students so they had to go back through and reexamine each test. He said they finally got them fixed though so I expect they’ll be coming soon,” Ron offered, patting Hermione on the shoulder compassionately.
“I know Ronald, it’s just I worked so hard on them and I thought they were coming last month, not a week before school starts!” She said crossly, poking at her lunch moodily.
“Why do you want owls for tests?” Emma asked confusedly.
Harry laughed, just realizing how weird that must sound to someone who didn’t know anything about the wizarding world. “O.W.L.s are test that everyone in their fifth year at Hogwarts has to take. They tell us what we are going to be able to take the next year and what we could be when we graduate.”
“What do you want to be?” Emma asked.
Harry shrugged, “I don’t really know. I told Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor, that I’d like to try and become an Auror. You know, one of the people that you met last night. I think I would be good at it.”
“Cool, like a policeman!” Emma said brightly, then turned to Hermione. “How bout you Hermione? What are you going to be when you grow up?”
Hermione paused, and actually had to think it over for a moment. The question had caught her somewhat off guard. She had always thought she knew what she wanted to do when she got out of Hogwarts, but now faced with the question she couldn’t quite seem to figure it out. “I’m not sure, I really enjoy charms and arithmancy, and it would be really fun to make new spells for the ministry or someone else. Or maybe a healer, a wizard doctor.” Hermione said distantly, her mind still sorting through the eleven-year-old’s probing question.
“Me too, I’ve always wanted to be a doctor, I want to be able to save people’s lives. What about you Ronald?” Emma asked.
“Dunno’ it’d be cool to be an Auror, but I would really like to try out for a Quidditch spot, I want to be Keeper for the Chudley Cannons!” Ron said proudly, supporting his team despite their dismal record.
“I’ve never seen a Quidditch game before, Harry’s told me loads about it though. I want to try out this year, I’ve never played though.”
“You better watch out ‘Ronald’ maybe Em will take your spot on the team. By the way, when did you start calling Ron, Ronald, Hermione?” Harry teased.
Ron looked over at Hermione and both blushed as they turned away. Hermione regained her composure and with a curt voice said, “I can call Ron whatever I like, and I like Ronald.”
Harry just smiled at his two awkward, blushing friends, sharing a knowing glance with Ginny. Maybe getting these two together won’t be as hard as we thought, they like each other they just don’t notice the other one does.

At the end of lunch Harry asked Ron about Percy .
“Nope, haven’t seen him since last year, the filthy prat hasn’t talked to any of us. Apparently he’s living in a flat somewhere near the Ministry so he can come to Fudge’s aide at a moment’s notice. Doesn’t even acknowledge dad, I think Fred and George pranked him a couple weeks ago because they had a large package and were arguing whether or not Percy’s mail would be searched. Mum’s still a little upset but she seems to have gotten used to it. I don’t really miss him though, rarely saw him anyways.” Ron shrugged.
“And none of you have tried to talk...” Harry stopped short when something out the window caught his eye, he grinned. “‘Mione, I think you might wan to open a window up, looks like your wish may be coming true.” He said pointing outside.
Hermione squealed and ran to the window throwing it wide so that the three owls that were now very close could land. When they touched down, Hermione untied all three as fast as she could then ran over to the table, looking for hers. In her excitement she tossed Ron and Harry’s on the counter almost throwing them into the sink. She peeled the letter apart and began to scour the letter, her face running a gamut of expressions as she looked her scores over.
Harry and Ron did the same thing only at a more leisurely pace. Harry unfolded his piece of parchment and read the letter enclosed with the grades.

Dear Mr. Potter,
Enclosed you will find the scores for your Ordinary Wizarding Level tests conducted this May. We apologize for the delay in the scores, we encountered several technical difficulties.

Harry next picked up the next page which had the actual grades for his classes.

History of Magic: Troll
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Exceeds Expectations
Divination: Dreadful
Herbology: Exceeds Expectations
Transfiguration: Exceeds Expectations
Potions: Exceeds Expectations

Harry James Potter has received 6 (six) passing O.W.L.s including one of especially high merit in the field of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry’s eyes widened in shock, he had never thought he was going to do as well has he had, he’d only failed two classes, and they were both ones he didn’t care for much. How the bloody hell did I get a grade of ‘high merit’ in Defense Against the Dark Arts? Umbridge hated me, she was torturing me. And what does a mark of ‘high merit’ even mean? Harry thought to himself.
“How’d you do Harry?” Ginny asked craning over his shoulder for a look at his letter.
“Er, great, I think. I got six O.W.L.s.” Harry said shrugging, looking over at Hermione whose head had suddenly snapped up.
“Wow, you did great. You got an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts, no surprise, but in Charms too? I didn’t know you were that good?” Ginny commented as she read his grades.
“Dunno, I just had a good day, I didn’t really mess up in that test which is good. What’d you get Ron? ‘Mione?” Harry asked looking over at his two friends.
“You go first Ronald, I want to hear what you got,” Hermione said still examiner her own.
“I got six O.W.L.s too, outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts too, looks like we won’t be taking potions though, I got a Exceeds Expectations, Snape only take Outstanding. Not a loss really, couldn’t stand the class anyway,” Ron said lightly.
Harry’s heart sank momentarily as he realized he too wouldn’t be taking potions and that his short lived dream to become an Auror had died. He was most upset about letting down Professor McGonagall after her heated argument with Umbridge about getting him to become an Auror if it ‘was the last thing she did.’ He smiled slightly at the memory of that meeting then came back to the present. “So Hermione, what did you get? Did you get 8 O.W.L.s that were all Outstanding?”
Hermione looked a little sheepish, “Well, you were right about one part. I did get all Outstanding, but…oh just look,” she gave up thrusting the letter into Ron’s hands.
He, Ginny, and Harry looked at it in astonishment. “But Hermione, how? I mean there has to be a typo or something. How?” Ron asked completely taken aback.
“I didn’t want to tell you guys, I thought you might make fun of me, I mean I’m sort of already labeled as Miss-Know-It-All aren’t I?” Hermione said nervously.
“Hermione, why would we care? It wouldn’t have made a difference at all, I’m just amazed you pulled it off,” Harry said caringly.
Hermione just smiled up at her three friends, got up and grabbed them all in a group hug.
On the table next to them lay Hermione’s O.W.L. scores.

History of Magic: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding
Divination: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding
Potions: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Outstanding
Muggle Relations: Outstanding

Hermione Jane Granger has received 10 (ten) passing O.W.L.s all of which are Outstanding, thereby placing her in the top 30 test scores of the past century.

“I can’t believe you tested in eight different subjects, when did you find the time to study? Harry and I were breaking down with just six!” Ron asked in amazement, “You don’t have another time turner do you?” He said nervously eyeing her.
Hermione laughed, “No, I think we’ve played enough with time already, besides we destroyed most of them in the Department of Mysteries. It wasn’t too difficult, I just asked the headmaster if I could take the Arithmancy and Muggle Relations tests along with my other ones. He was supportive and even lent me a few of his books to read. I didn’t really have to study much for Muggle Relations, and I was already reading a lot of books on Arithmancy anyways.” She shrugged, “It really isn’t that big of a deal, it’s only two more tests.”
“Yeah it is a big deal; you got Outstanding on all of them! It says you had one of the best test scores in…” Harry looked at the, “…a century! If that isn’t a big deal I don’t know what is.”
“Congratulations Hermione, I bet mum will through you a huge party,” Ginny said hugging her again.

Ginny was right, when Mrs. Weasley and Joy came home Ron immediately told them about the O.W.L.s. Molly was overjoyed that Ron had gotten six O.W.L.s, stating that it was twice that of which Fred or George got, and when he told her about Hermione and Harry’s scores she grabbed them in a hug too.
“I think that this calls for a celebration, I’m so proud of all three of you. We do have enough food; would you want to help Joy?” Molly asked, already pulling pots and pans out of their respective cupboards. She and Joy had become close friends just over the two days they’d been together, discussing everything from cooking techniques to raising kids.
The two mothers hopped into action, immediately starting to chop, dice, and boil things. Hermione, Emma, and Ginny pitched in too, stirring different things and setting the table. There was an Order meeting that night too so they were planning on having a very large group of people. Along with the roast beefs, and numerous pies the mothers were making, the three girls, along with Tonks worked on making a cake big enough for everyone.
Mrs. Weasley declared that on top of the party being for getting such good O.W.L. scores it was also a belated birthday party for Harry and Emma. Harry had never had a true birthday party and was excited for it. Emma was ecstatic when she heard that Fred and George were going to set off some of their new indoor fireworks they’d been working on.
“The only problem is, is that we’ve made them work so well it takes forever to get them to stop,” Fred explained as he heaved a crate onto a table.
“We expanded on the idea we used again Umbridge, taking out some of the more boring ones and adding a little more excitement.” George said wickedly, setting the other crate on the table. Each one was labeled with bright red and yellow lettering; DANGER! HIGHLY FLAMMABLE DO NOT EXPOSE TO WATER, FIRE, ACID…JUST DON’T GET NEAR THEM! DON’T SAY WE DIDN’T WARN YOU.
“Good labeling guys, that really instills some confidence in your customers,” Hermione said as she kneaded dough for rolls.
“It does,” Fred said enthusiastically. Hermione gave him a doubtful look.
“No really, think about it this way,” George said.
“If we told you that there was something really cool in a box and then said under no circumstances can you look at it,” Fred said.
“95 out of 100 people would look at it,” George added.
“So that’s all we’re doing” they both said at the same time.
“I didn’t think they had the makings of businessmen either Hermione dear, but they seem to have proved me wrong. They have a certain knack for making the things they create irresistible. Just you wait until you see their shop tomorrow,” Molly said, with a slight hint of pride in her voice. She was upset that her sons had left their education early but was very pleased with what they had done so far. Their shop was certainly the most popular in Diagon Alley, attracting all ages to see their pranks and inventions. The sudden reemergence of Voldemort had sent many people looking for a way to let out their anxiety, and a trip to Weasley Wizarding Wheezes seemed to be the common way to get rid of it.
It was nearing supper so everyone who wasn’t cooking or helping was shooed out of the kitchen; this was mostly because of Ron who kept sneaking tastes of everything that came out of the oven.
Slowly the 12 Grimmauld Place began to fill with people, and accompanying that was the screeches and curses of Mrs. Black’s portrait. Harry and Ron would keep running up to it and wrenching them shut once again, only it seemed that over the past year she had become a little more persistent and would just spring open once again. On their fifth time that night Harry shouted to Ron over the din, “There’s got to be something we can do to make her shut-up! We can’t keep doing this my arms are getting sore from yanking…” but he could tell Ron wasn’t hearing a word he was saying, “SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!” Harry shouted at the portrait as loud as he could, even louder than the portrait itself.
Surprisingly it did just that, Mrs. Black didn’t stop shouting it was just that there wasn’t any sound anymore. The hallway was completely silent.
“Well that was easy,” Harry said shaking his head to try and get rid of the ringing noise in his ears.
“Why do you think we can’t hear her? She hasn’t stopped shouting that for sure. We’ve tried silencio loads of times on her and no one could get her to shut up. Moody almost went crazy trying to get her off the wall last week,” Ron said a little louder than necessary but he couldn’t tell because of the buzzing in his ears.
Harry shrugged, “Dunno, all I can say is that I’m glad she shut up. I know ‘Mione said she didn’t mind her, but I saw her flinch every time she started to shout again.”
“Yeah me too, glad we got her to be quite,” Ron said.
“HARRY! RON! Dinner time, hurry up!” Joy’s voice echoed through the hallway.
“Come on mate, dinner, can’t miss that! Last one there has to eat the vomit flavored Bertie Bott’s!” Ron said as he started to spring down the hallway, Harry was right behind him.
The kitchen was packed with people and food it looked as if someone had done something to the room to expand it somewhat so as to fit another table next to the first one to make enough room for everyone.
All the Order members, including Dumbledore, and to both Ron and Harry’s pleasure the older Weasley Charlie, were there, even, much to Harry’s distaste, Snape.
He was smashed right in-between Emma and Lupin, his discomfort was evident but no-one seemed to take much notice. Emma was asking him dozens of questions completely oblivious to his cold stare.
Once everyone was seated Molly stood up and cleared her throat for everyone’s attention, “Well this massive feast is to congratulate the three students who all got amazing O.W.L. scores, and it is also a belated birthday party for Harry who is now 16, and Emma, who just got into Hogwarts, and is now 11. Now go on eat up, we have plenty of food for everyone, and then before the meeting starts we have cake.
Dinner went on for well over two hours, everyone laughing and talking, shouting over to the other side of the table for someone to pass such-and-such. Harry was sitting next to Charlie Weasley and Dumbledore, both of whom were telling him about what was going on under ground in the wizarding world currently. Not a single real piece of news had been printed about Voldemort after the Department of Mysteries.
“And that isn’t because Fudge is trying to deny it, there just hasn’t really been anything happing publicly.” Charlie said.
“Which is out of character for Tom, he gained power in the first war through terror, this is the opposite of what I thought he would be doing.” Dumbledore said thoughtfully as he picked at the last morsels of a steak and kidney pie.
“Couldn’t he just be gathering people to him, I mean you did hear how Malfoy’s dad got out of Azkaban. Maybe Tom just needs supporters and is biding his time.” Harry said.
“Perhaps, perhaps,” Dumbledore said looking over at Harry, “all will become clear in time. Now would you like a piece of this excellent cake, it has a raspberry filling, my personal favorite.” He said pointing over to the lavishly decorated cake which Harry and Emma had just blown the candles out on.
“Sure, not a huge one though. Uh sir, I was hoping I might be able to ask you something,” Harry said uncertainly, he’d been mulling it over in his mind for a while but had just decided to actually ask the Headmaster.
“Of course Harry, what is it?” Dumbledore asked, although in his eyes it seemed as if he already knew the answers.
“Well sir, I’m 16 now and I was hoping that I might be able to join the Order, you know, I mean I need to know as much as possible if I’m ever going to be able to kill him,” Harry said quietly, still mindful of the secrecy of the prophecy.
Dumbledore’s features seemed to soften, almost in sadness, but also in caring, “Harry, I am afraid I am still not going to be able to allow you to join. But before you ask why, let me explain.” He placed a placating hand on Harry shoulder, “What I told you in my office last year was all true, everything. Including the bit where I felt as if it were my duty to protect you, I know that Lupin is now your guardian but I still feel compelled to watch after you too. This is not to slight you in any way, but it is for the good of everyone in the Order that you do not attend.”
Harry bristled slightly, mentally trying to remember the 10 uses for dragon blood so as to calm himself, he didn’t want to ruin this party because of some argument. He closed his eyes momentarily then opened them again, a new glow to them that wasn’t there before, “Why can’t I attend?”
Dumbledore smiled, “You are learning to control your anger, that will help build the power that’s growing inside you, you can see it in your eyes. But, I am digressing, do you remember last near last Christmas break when you could see Mr. Weasley get attacked?”
Harry’s heart sunk, he knew where this was going, and knew it was pointless to argue because it actually made sense.
“That connection with Tom’s subconscious, along with what I would call a fiasco of Occlumency lessons, makes me believe it would be a rash decision to allow you to see or hear certain discussions. I am not afraid of you staying here, it’s one of the safest places around, I just do not want jeopardize what we have accomplished so far. I hope you understand and will forgive me when I say no.” Dumbledore finished finally, Harry averting his eyes from the Headmaster. He always felt that he could see right into your mind and figure out what you were thinking, and due to his occlumency lessons he wouldn’t be surprised if that were possible.
“Yes, I understand, I just wish that I could know more, all last year I was kept in the dark and that caused the whole Ministry problem. I will not ask again for right now as long as you promise to tell me everything you can without endangering anyone. I don’t want anymore people dying on my account.” Harry said.
“A very mature decision Harry, the Heartbond truly is an amazing thing, I will instruct Remus to tell you everything that he deems allowable, but please do not go searching for other information. I am working on a way to solve the trespasses into his consciousness, but for the time being try and work on your occlumency.” Dumbledore said with a slight smile.
“Thank you sir, I should to now, looks like the meeting is about to start,” Harry said standing up.
“Oh, of course, thank you for understanding, it is yet one more hardship I hope we will be able to overcome in time. Now you should get going, if I’m not mistaken the Weasley twins have brought some of their fireworks, and I just saw them sneak down the hallway with the others. I wish I could see them, if you recall I wasn’t present for their first use either.” Dumbledore said smiling.
“I forgot, it really was brilliant, but I don’t think you’ll have to worry about missing them sir. If the twins did what they said they did, and I’m pretty sure they are capable of it, then they’ll be around for quite some time.” Harry said, then headed out of the kitchen after thanking Molly and Joy for dinner.

The party well past midnight and was only ended when one of the twins’ fireworks found their way into the Order’s meeting and caught Snape’s robes on fire. Whether or not it was accidental was questionable considering the fact that somehow the firework would not go anywhere else save Snape’s cloak; it took the combined efforts of Moody and Lupin to finally get rid of the persistent firework.
As Snape stalked out of the front door Mrs. Weasley called for everyone to go to bed because they were going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get everyone’s school supplies. Soon the house was once again eerily silent as everyone nodded off to sleep.
The next morning everyone was woken very early due to one of the leftover fireworks finding its way to the floo powder jar, which, as it turns out makes a very loud bang when it mixes with a Weasley Wizarding Wheezes firework. Some of the people tried to go back to bed after the explosion but most people had been woken so jarringly that they decided just to go downstairs and have a nice long breakfast.
As everyone trickled in downstairs Mrs. Weasley and Tonks reviewed the lists of what everyone needed and went over who was going to be their escorts when they arrived.
“Well, I’ll be coming along, and so will Kingsley, there have been some rumors about Death Eaters planning to attack some of the softer targets around Diagon Alley to scare people,” Tonks said.
“Are you sure that’s enough, I mean with Harry and all…” Mrs. Weasley said nervously, not finishing her sentence.
“Don’t worry two Aurors is enough, anymore would attract too much attention, besides from what I’ve heard from Remus Harry can hold his own.” Kingsley said, nodding at Harry. He’d immediately been taken by the boy’s perseverance, and the fact that he’d overcome so many obstacles, including fame, and come out perfectly normal.
“Thanks Kingsley,” Harry said, proud that an Auror like Kingsley would think him capable of defending himself.
“Well looks like we best be heading out, we have a lot of places to go, Emma needs to get everything including a wand,” Molly said standing as she examined the grandfather clock.
There was a bustle of commotion as everyone grabbed cloaks and wands and lined up in front of the fire, waiting to get Kingsley’s ok from the Leakey Cauldron. As they were lining up in the hallway waiting for Ron to find his wand Emma gasped.
“Harry! Why are you so tall? I used to be up to your elbow, now I’m almost at your hand! Are you wearing different shoes?” Emma asked trying to get taller by standing on her tiptoes.
“Oh yeah, guess we forgot to tell you guys, I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner. Somehow the Bond is making us grow really fast, I got really tall, and so did Gin’ look,” Harry said pointing to Ginny who was next to Tonks. “She used to be shorter than Tonks, now she’s the same size, maybe even taller.”
“Blimey Harry, you’re right, she is taller, and you too. This all happened in one night?” Tonks said admiring their new height.
“Must’ve, I mean I know I wasn’t this tall the day before, I had to duck today coming down the stairs so I wouldn’t hit my head,” Harry said.
“There certainly are a lot of changes going on, I’m still not sure I approve of you sharing beds, but it seems that Dumbledore was right as usual, and that these changes will help you two,” Molly said.
Ron too was impressed by Ginny and Harry’s growth spurt, Harry was now the same height as Ron.
“Come on everyone, we just got the ok, you first Molly,” Tonks said handing her the pot of floo powder.
Once everyone had gone through the fireplace they reassembled in the back room at the entrance into Diagon Alley. They decided first it would be best to go to Gringotts. Mrs. Weasley, Harry, and Hermione all had to withdraw money for their supplies, and Emma and Joy needed to open a new account for themselves
As they walked down the cobble stone streets Emma ran, dragging her mother with her, to every store’s window marveling at the many unusual items. She was most taken by the Nimbus 2001 that was floating in the store window. She’d seen Harry’s broom every once and a while but seeing a whole store full of them enthralled her. Her expression was the same as they entered Gringotts’ large marble halls, Ginny had told her that it was run by goblins but she never really comprehended what she said until now. There were dozens of them in the giant room, carrying large diamonds and rubies, or sitting on stools scribbling in tomes.
Lupin got Joy started on the paperwork then went with Harry and the others down to the vaults to get some money.
They first stopped at the Weasley’s small vault, this time Harry was happy to see that it wasn’t looking as empty as it had been last time, apparently he was getting paid quite a lot of overtime lately.
Next up was Harry’s vault and as they approached the entrance Harry suddenly realized he hadn’t mentioned the new significant increase in wealth to anyone, only Ginny and Lupin had seen it. He mentally kicked himself as he handed the key to the goblin, just imagining Mrs. Weasley and Ron’s looks when they saw the next room. The door swung open to reveal the three large gold doors with the family crests on them. Harry’s assumptions were right, both Molly and Ron gaped in disbelief, but they weren’t the only ones, Kingsley and Hermione were both staring at Harry in astonishment; the only people who didn’t have similar expressions were Ginny and Lupin who’d been with him on the first trip down.
“Sorry about that, I sort of forgot to warn you guys,” Harry said halfway smiling at the now stunned expressions of his friends, “I won’t be long, come on, I need help looking through the other vaults. I’ve only been in one.”
Harry walked up to the one which held the black family heirlooms and pressed his palm against the cold metal door a moment later it swung open effortlessly revealing the Black heirlooms.
The whole room was filled with antiques; from piles of large, dusty books, most of which appeared to be about dark magic, to boxes filled to the brim with gold, platinum, and silver necklaces, rings, and earrings. The vault glimmered in the ethereal light of the lone torch illuminating it.
The group just stared wide eyed at the enormous collection of priceless antiques for a while, until Harry spotted something and walked into the vault.
He had to climb up several precarious piles of books, including one which tried to eat his foot, but he managed to reach the small, thin, polished box he had spotted. It was covered in a fine dust but the inlay in it was still clear, that was what caught his eye in the first place. In large flowing, gold, inlaid script was the name Sirius Ignatius Black. Harry’s breath hitched as he opened the lid, the inside was covered in blood red velvet. At first Harry didn’t see anything in the box , then he noticed a thin gold chain which seemed to be the thickness of a human hair. He picked it up carefully then noticed it was attached to something. When he completely pulled the necklace out of the box he saw a deep blood-red stone almost the exact same colour of the velvet in the box.
The torch’s light flickered off of the stone showing it’s completely smooth surface, as it spun around in circles he saw a small flaw. He squinted under the dim lighting and learned it wasn’t a flaw but a small but beautiful stone which when in the light sparkled like a prism, throwing a rainbow of colors in every direction. Harry studied the stone from every direction, completely taken by the simple beauty it contained.
“Hey Harry! You okay mate? Did you find something,” Ron shouted from across the vault.
“I’m fine, I just found something of Sirius’ I’m coming back, we can look in the vaults some other time, we need to go shopping,” Harry said. He was about to put the necklace back in the small box but something stopped him. He instead unclasped the miniscule coupling and secured it around his own neck, the stone laying near his heart. Once he put it on it seemed to radiate with an inner heat that Harry found comforting in some way, he couldn’t place it exactly, but just wearing something that belonged to his deceased godfather comforted him, he would always have something to remind himself of him with.
Harry stood up and navigated his way back down the piles of books and joined the rest of the group who were still just on the outer edge of the vault just admiring some of the objects near them, Hermione was almost drooling over the piles of books that were everywhere.
Ginny noticed Harry’s unusually calm demeanor, “are you okay Harry?”
“Yeah I’m great Gin’ I found something of Sirius’ and it just made me happy, there wasn’t much of his stuff around Grimmauld Place so I was glad to find something that belonged to him,” Harry said, not telling them exactly what it was he’d found, for some reason he didn’t want to show them the stone; it was between him and Sirius; thankfully no-one asked to see what he had found.
“Okay, lets close this vault and I’ll just grab some galleons for my new equipment,” Harry said closing the Black vault and opening the gold vault. He once again forgot to tell the group what was in the vault so there were several gasps when it swung wide open.
“Oh, yeah, sorry about that again, should have warned you,” Harry said shrugging, feeling somewhat awkward around the Weasley’s flabbergasted expressions at the mountains of gold in front of them.
“Harry, how the bloody hell did you get all this,” Ron blurted out, he flinched expecting a condemnation from his mom, but it never came, Molly was still just staring at the pile of gold.
“I honestly didn’t know I had it until a couple of weeks ago, turns out that what I used to have was just a trust fund for me, this is also the Black fortune also,” Harry said trying to get the money he needed as quickly as possible so as to not flaunt his new found wealth. He filled his small leather pouch with galleons and quickly closed the door. Once it sealed shut with a hiss it was if a spell was broken. Everyone stopped staring and began to head towards the cart.
“I had no idea you had that much money, you’ve got to be richer than the Malfoys now!” Ron said hopefully.
“Lupin says that I’m right behind them for now, but the way they’re dumping money in Voldemort’s projects I bet they’ll be broke soon.” Harry said.
“Harry dear, I hope you have someone who knows what to do about all this, you need someone to take care of your finances,” Molly said taking her usual motherly outlook on the situation.
“I’ve already found one; Moony’s going to take care of it. I think it’s a good idea that I have someone I can trust to look after it,” Harry said as they stepped out of the cart once again above ground.
They met up with Emma and Joy who had just finished creating their own vault and converted some pounds into galleons for shopping.
They headed outside once again squinting in the sunlight. Diagon Alley was still noticeably empty, and the few people they did see were mostly ministry officials rushing back and forth form The Leaky Cauldron on business.
The group decided to split up half of them going to Flourish and Blotts to pick up the supplies there, and the other half going to the Apothecary to pick up the required materials then would go to Ollivander’s to get Emma a wand.
Harry and Ron decided to go with Kingsley and Emma to get potions supply then the wand, the others headed off to get the necessary spell books.
The potions supplies were simple enough, Emma, Ginny, and Hermione, were the only ones who needed them because Ron and Harry were both unable to take Snape’s N.E.W.T. level class.
After they arranged for the potions kits to be picked up later in the day they walked past Florean Fortiscue’s, to Ollivander’s to get Emma her very first wand. She was jumping up and down as she dragged both Ron and Harry behind her into the shop.
It was exactly as Harry remembered it last time, the hundreds of dusty boxes lined up against the wall, the dust motes swirling in the air like golden dust, and the small bell on the front counter. He walked up to it and tapped it.
“Coming!” Mr. Ollivander shouted from the back room, a moment later he was bustling into the front room, and when he saw Harry’s face broke out into a wide smile. “Mr. Potter, how nice to see you again, I hope you’re wand is treating you well? Eleven inch holly, Phoenix tail feather if I’m not mistaken? And Auror Shaklebolt, 12 inch hornbeam with a thestral tail hair, correct?”
Both Harry and Shaklebolt nodded, astounded by the old wizard’s flawless memory. “And who are your friends?”
“Oh sorry, these are my friends Ronald Weasley and Emmaline Massey. We need to get Emma a wand for her first year at Hogwarts.” Harry explained.
“Oh-ho very good, very good indeed, well Miss Massey would you please come over here, why don’t we start with this one?” Ollivander said handing her a wand, “Just point it over there and give it a wave.”
She waved it as she was told and the back door flew open. She looked over at Harry frightened.
“Don’t worry Em, you should have seen what I did to his store,” Harry said bracingly.
Ollivander gave her another wand, and she waved it once again, this time splitting the chair near them neatly in half.
“And that, is why we point the wand away from everyone,” Ollivander said once again bustling off to get another wand. He came back with two more, “Well, third time’s the charm, and if it isn’t I have another that might work.”
She took the first one and waved it again, curiously it did nothing apparent, not even made a sound.
“I thought that would happen, very well try this one,” Ollivander said trading her wands out. She waved the last one and suddenly there was a burst of light. When it had dissipated the chair was nicely repaired and the back door was closed once again. Ollivander clapped his hands together merrily, “Excellent, I thought that would do the trick. Nine inches, wood from a very old and particularly stubborn alder tree, and a Phoenix tail feather. Perfect fit for you. As I say, the wand chooses the wizard.”
Emma held her new wand with reverence, she couldn’t believe that just a few months ago wizards and magic were still just fairytales, and now she had her very own wand.
“Will that be all? Or does your other friend need a wand too?” Ollivander asked courteously.
“No, that’s it. Thank you for helping us,” Harry said as he pulled out the several galleons the wand cost.
“Oh no Mr. Potter, you don’t need to pay me, if she is a friend of yours she is a friend of mine, consider it a thank you for what you did in the Ministry this summer.
“Well thank you very much, if there’s anything we can do just ask,” Harry said taken aback by the man’s graciousness.
“I do not believe in debts just generosity, and friendship, that is all I ask,” Ollivander said shaking Harry’s hand as he held the door open for them. “Oh, Mr. Potter, if you find you have some free time in the near future I would like to talk to you about something I’ve been working on with Dumbledore, it’s to help fix that little problem you discovered.” He said cryptically.
“Oh yeah, sure, I’ll try and come over as soon as I get the chance,” Harry said picking up on the subtle hint Ollivander had dropped about Priori Incantatem. He was curious to just what solution he’d been able to come up with. “Have a good day Mr. Ollivander!” Harry shouted over his shoulder as they walked away from the store to their next destination, Weasley Wizarding Wheezes.

The ancient streets which wove through Diagon Alley were unnervingly empty, only containing a few passing wizards, and the occasional Auror. As Emma, Ron, and Harry walked, Kingsley would wave to the Aurors and sometimes have a rushed and whispered conversation. From what Harry and Ron could pick up it had something to do with recent rumors of a planned Death Eater attack, either aimed at the Hogwarts Express or Diagon Alley. When Harry questioned Kingsley however he dodged the questions, only saying, “We have more than enough guards here, and Albus is ensuring the safe passage of all of his students to Hogwarts.”
In just a few minutes they arrived at what had to be Fred and George’s store, it was gaudily painted bright gold and purple with the occasional pink or red polka-dot thrown in; and the windows were filled from top to bottom with hundreds of different items, each one’s labeling promising more hysteria than the one next to it.
“Looks like we found the right place, and the others are already inside, come on!” Ron said rushing inside.
Inside was as brightly painted as the outside, everywhere there were splotches of different colors of paint, and boxes filled to the brim with vividly wrapped items. The seemed to be the one store that any of them had been in that actually had customers currently, there were about a dozen kids, many of them Harry recognized from Hogwarts.
“Oy! You better not be planning on stealing that,” said a voice from behind the group. Everyone turned around to see a smiling Fred and George who were both wearing lime green dress robes and were currently manning the cash registers helping other customers.
“Good to see you lot,” said George.
“We thought you might’ve forgotten about us,” said Fred.
“Feel free to take a look around, we need to help these young ladies then we’ll be right there,” said George as he started to tally up one of their customer’s selection.
“And Ronald, we don’t give a family discount, so don’t go taking anything without paying,” Fred said half seriously.
Harry walked down one aisle labeled Dangerous Devices, which was covered from floor to ceiling in ominously shaking boxes or crates. Some of the items were labeled, like Tongue Tying Tweezers, Instant Hair Remover, or Never Ending Book of Questions; many of them however were simply not labeled at all, leaving Harry and the rest of the group to tentatively pick them up and try to look inside.
Emma had picked up a small box covered in blue mesh, on the inside there appeared to be a small metal ball. She carefully cracked the lid trying to get a better look at the mysterious silver ball.
“No,no,no I wouldn’t be touching that!” Hermione said as she pulled the box away from Emma, examining the little ball cautiously. Ron gave her a dirty look and muttered something about her being overprotective.
“No little brother, in this case she’d be right,” George said taking the little box from Hermione.
“It’s a bludgeoning BB, very nasty,” said Fred.
“You should have seen the R&D for that; we were both covered in hundreds of tiny bruises after it escaped from its box once,” said George grimacing”
“Absolute nightmare, almost broke out of our test room, would’ve shredded Diagon Alley to bits,” said Fred grinning as if it would have been an adventure.
Hermione looked scandalized, “Then why, pray tell, did you geniuses make it?!”
“Dumbledore, sweet Hermione,” Fred said waving the little box in front of her.
“Has been kind enough to give us some financing when it comes to R&D, he is very interested in some of our pranks’ uses in the war,” said George proudly.
“We’ve been working on dozens of new pranks, slash weapons, that we’re hoping to use in the war, this one however didn’t work out too well in development so we only made one,” Fred said shrugging.
“You mean Dumbledore is just giving you two money to play around with your toys?” Ron asked incredulously.
“Not at all, while we do play hard we also work much harder, right now were working with Mr. Ollivander on something that could possibly help change the course of the war. Of course we couldn’t tell you, Dumbledore’s the only one who knows right now. We have just started testing so we hope it’ll be out soon though,” Fred said conspiratorially.
The twins continued on their discussion for quite some time, as they did they led the group down the different aisles, pointing out their best sellers. It was a surprisingly large room, and there was even more in the back for production. Harry was happy to see his winnings being put to such great use.
They spent nearly an hour in the store, playing with most nearly everything they had to offer. And by the time Molly and Joy said that it was time to start getting ready to leave, each of the children had several different side effects from the wheezes. Ranging from Harry’s polka dotted skin, to Emma’s constantly changing eye colour, which included every colour in the rainbow.
So finally Fred and George loaded Harry, their benefactor, with as many different pranks as possible. Just saying, “Just tell people where you got them, you don’t need to pay, you’re already our business partner.”
“Oh, that should wear off in another hour or so, if George here mixed it right,” Fred said.
“Oy, that last batch wasn’t my fault; the man shouldn’t have put the whole thing in his mouth, and they at least finally erased them by the end of the week,” George said in defense. Harry gulped a bit nervously, hoping that he wouldn’t still have polka dots for skin when he got on the train tomorrow.
The whole group stepped outside once again into the desolate streets, waving goodbye to the twins as they went, the colour seemingly melting away as they walked further and further away. The life had gone completely out of Diagon Alley, Harry no longer felt happy here, he’d had some of his best memories, yet now there was just desolation. A harsh wind whipped the streets, blowing the occasional ministry issued Death Eater Safety manual through the streets.
When they finally came to the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron, Harry just shook his head in sorrow, disappointed that Voldemort’s mere existence had somehow sapped this place of life.
The Leaky Cauldron was empty as was now usual as the group went up tot the fire and began to go through the fire, quietly whispering, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, in case someone was listening in. One never could be too careful nowadays.
For the rest of the evening the whole house was a bustle with people trying to locate their belongings which had been strewn all over the house. Molly was busy doing the wash, and Joy was cooking a quick dinner for everyone. After dinner they chatted for only a while until Molly decided that it would be a good idea to head to bed early because this time the Ministry cars were picking them up earlier than usual because of the purported security risks of arriving unannounced and without enough security. All the Order members present were busy working on a plan to secure the train platform, there had now been numerous rumors about a impending attack tomorrow on the train.
So, just like every year before, Harry fell asleep with a mixed sense of excitement and nervousness over returning to Hogwarts this year. Only this time there was another feeling, something that had come to the surface that day at Diagon Alley, something he hadn’t been able to place until just as he fell asleep, it was the sense of an uneasy calm, just like the one that came before a thunderstorm, one that came before a war.

BANG! A huge shockwave shook the very foundations of 12 Grimmauld Place, waking everyone and everything in the house.
BANG! A second shockwave hit, tipping over bookshelves and unsettling everything in the house. Pictures cried out in anger from their tilted frames, and various other items began to move about freed from their holding places.
Harry and Ginny jolted out of bed a second after the first bang, Harry jumped so high he hit his head on the backboard and clear off his bed landing hard on the wood floor. Ginny sat straight up knocking over the lamp and the clock on the small bedside table.
BANG! A third loud explosion rocked the ancient house.
“Harry! Are you okay? What’s going on!” Ginny shouted over the, now considerable, din of everything falling and moving at once.
Harry squeezed his eyes shut trying to get rid of the dizziness from his fall, “Yeah, I’m fine. I have no bloody idea what’s going on though. Sound like we’re being attacked! I reckon we should head downstairs and see what’s going on. Come on!” Harry stood up, grabbed Ginny’s hand and his wand, and together they tore down the flights of stairs to see what all the commotion was.
On the ground level it was utter chaos, there were people running back and forth some in their pajamas others in auror uniforms. There was smoke and dust everywhere and Harry was shocked when he saw a pool of blood on the floor near the kitchen.
Molly caught sight of the two teens and ran over to them. “Quick you two, get into the kitchen now!” She said in an unusually panicked voice.
“What’s going on!” Ginny shouted over the noise.
“We’re being attacked, somehow the death eaters managed to find where we are and are now attacking us. Of course Albus’ wards are holding up but better safe than sorry. The Order us cleaning things up as we speak!” Molly said, trying to give a smile but failed and just sort of grimaced weakly.
“Oy who has the herd of Hippogriffs running around the house?” Ron said rubbing sleep from his eyes still not aware of the battle going on outside.
“It’s not Hippogriffs Ronald, it’s death eaters! They’re outside right now attacking us.” Hermione said as she comforted a somewhat shell-shocked Emma. “The Order seems to have managed to at least stop the bombardment that was going on.”
“Why aren’t we doing anything, we should be out there helping?” Ron said as he held up his wand and made for the hallway. Right at that same moment the front door burst open and Moody came limping in cradling what was left of his left arm.
Ron immediately blanched at the sight of the blood covered Mad Eye and went back into the kitchen. Ginny saw the injured Auror and rushed towards him hoping her small experience in medicine might help.
“Fucking rats! One of them distracted me while another snuck up from behind and sent a severing charm my way. I saw it just in time or else I would have to have had two coffins. I think I have some of my arm but most ‘f its gone.” Moody cursed through clenched teeth, still not taking his hand off the stump that was his left arm.
Ginny saw how much blood he was loosing and knew she wouldn’t be able to do much but remembered what Harry had done with himself and Emmeline Vance when she was injured. “Harry! Come over here and help me take care of Moody!” Harry ran over to the couch that Moody was now laying on, still cursing heavily under his breath. “Harry, do you think you can do that healing thing you did for Emmeline. Just so we can stop the bleeding? He said he’s lost his arm so we can’t do much about that.” Ginny said as she tore a towel into pieces to dab at the wound with.
“Okay, Moody, this is probably going to hurt some,” Harry said as he slowly moved Mad Eye’s other arm away from the stump. The one upside to the cutting curse he had suffered was that it was quick and clean. There as nothing left just a perfectly smooth cross-cut of his upper arm.
Harry gulped and began to slowly massage the severed limb, urging his power to heal the wound just like he’d done the other times.
Moody roared in pain as his wound slowly stopped bleeding and was cauterized by the immense magic that Harry was pouring into his wounds. The blood began to disappear and skin grew back, slowly covering the stump, Moody just stared in disbelief at what Harry was able to do. Other Aurors running by too slowed down and stared at the teenager with is eyes closed slowly massaging a wound closed.
It only took a few minutes to close the gap until there wasn’t any sign of blood on what was left of Mad Eye’s arm. Harry sighed and leaned back heavily on the couch never looking over at Moody, just keeping his eyes closed out of exhaustion.
“Harry, are you alright? I can sort of feel that you’re tired, does it feel like you did when you helped Emmeline?” Ginny asked brushing back his unruly hair and mopping his sweaty forehead.
All Harry could do was mumble, he was exhausted. Healing someone seemed to completely suck the life out of him, he could feel himself grow colder as he poured more magic into the person, as if he were giving part of his own life to save theirs.
Moody stood up, his shirt was soaked in blood and he looked worse for wear, especially with the missing arm, but he seemed to be alive enough to grab his wand again and run out the front door to help mop up.
Apparently while Harry and Ginny were helping Moody the Order got a leg up on the Death Eaters and managed to stun about half a dozen of them. The others got as far as to try and disapperate, when Dumbledore’s wards came online and knocked them unconscious too. The Order was now just tying the Death Eaters up and readying a portkey to send them directly to the ministry for holding.
“Oy! Ginny, is Harry alright. He looks a might peaky, like he’s just got attacked by a dementor,” Tonks asked as she came in through the doorway. “Moody told me about what he did for him, I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen his arm. I’ve never heard of anyone being able to do any sort of healing wandlessly.”
“Harry’s just tired, doing that healing is draining. I’ve been wanting to become a healer and in all the books I’ve read I haven’t heard of anybody doing this, ever. “Ginny said proudly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Tonks just smiled at the couple.
“Hey Tonks, what are we going to do about getting to Hogwarts. We don’t have enough time to get to the train…”Ginny asked.
“We will be flooing there, it is much too dangerous to send you all on the train anyways, the Death Eaters are not only stopping at attacking just us today. I believe it was just a diversion to hopefully delay the Order from protecting the Hogwarts Express.” Dumbledore said, stepping gracefully through the doorframe, his wand still out from the fighting. “Is Mr. Potter alright Miss. Weasley?” He asked upon noticing Harry lying asleep on the couch.
“He’s just tired, he helped heal Moody’s arm,” Ginny said once again, “is anyone else hurt?”
“That is the third time he’s done wandless healing. It would appear that the Heartbond is certainly causing both your powers to grow. And no, there were no others injured, certainly a few close calls, but everyone is quite okay,” Dumbledore said softly, still watching the sleeping Harry. Hermione, Emma, Ron, and the twins came into the hallway having been in the kitchen during the whole skirmish helping calm Molly and Joy down.
“When are we going to be going to Hogwarts headmaster, we won’t be able to make the train it left an hour ago?” Hermione asked, hoping that maybe bringing a little normalcy to the chaotic setting would help calm Emma.
Dumbledore smiled, as if he knew what she was thinking, “We will be flooing their shortly Miss Granger. Just as soon as I have ensured that headquarters is secure, and that Mr. Potter and Alastor are okay. Now you best go collect your trunks and try to grab something to eat, I’ll be back shortly.”
About thirty minutes after Dumbledore left the group to go ward the house, Harry stirred in his spot in the living room. He had a horrible headache and his eyesight was blurred. Squinting he saw his glasses sitting on the table next to him. He groped for them and put them on and the world came flowing back into clarity. All around him were his friends talking quietly and munching on sandwiches Molly had made.
“Had a nice rest mate?” Ron said noticing Harry stir, “I saw what you did for Moody, pretty wicked. I wonder if you’ll be able to re-grow arms soon.”
“Mmmhm…does anyone have some water. I feel like I was sleeping in the desert.” Harry croaked out looking around for a glass.
“I’ll get you some, hold on!” Emma said running down the hall to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Hermione and Ginny grinned at the little girl’s devotion to Harry.
“Getting jealous Gin’?” Harry teased seeing the girls’ expressions.
“You’re lucky you got me Potter with your looks, I mean what girl would want a guy with hair he can’t even keep straight with magic or eyes that sparkle?” Ginny countered immediately.
“Touché,” Harry said grinning. Emma came running into the room again with a glass of water. Really it was half a glass of water, she’d spilled most of it running back to the room. “Thanks Em, you’re a lifesaver.” He said ruffling the little girl’s hair and drank the whole glass quickly.
A few moments later Dumbledore entered the room, “Ah excellent, we’re all here. And it looks like one of you has already started a fire. I would have been here a few moments earlier but I encountered what appeared to be a small lake in the hallway and had to stop myself from sliding into a shelf when I walked in it.” He smiled widely, seeing Emma blush under his stare. “Well then we best get this underway, we don’t want to be late for the feast do we?” He said clapping his hands together. “Ah, Molly and Arthur, would you like to join us for opening dinner tonight?”
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, and Joy, had all come into the room to say goodbye. “Oh no Headmaster, we have a lot to do. There still are Death Eaters on the loose from this attack, and I must get back to the ministry, another batch of exploding light bulbs has gotten out.” Arthur said graciously.
“I understand perfectly, very well, who’s first?” Dumbledore asked moving towards the fireplace and removing the silver urn with the floo powder from the mantel.
Ron stepped up and pulled his trunk and Pigwidgeon’s cage with him, he hugged his parents goodbye promising to write, grabbed a handful of powder and stepped into the fire, shouting “Hogwarts!” He disappeared in the customary burst of green flame.
Next up were Hermione and Emma, who were going as a pair. Emma hugged her mom goodbye, gave her a kiss on the cheek, then grabbed Hermione’s hand and repeated Ron’s steps, both of them disappearing after shouting “Hogwarts!”
Then Ginny and Harry stepped up, both hugging both Weasley parents, Lupin, and Joy. They then stepped forward taking their shrunken trunks and Hedwig with them, both grabbed a handful of powder and stepped into the fire. They counted to three then at once shouted “Hogwarts!”
Harry was spun around and his glasses knocked off his face, but he managed to stay upright as he held onto Ginny’s hand tightly. An instant later they were both thrust out of the fireplace, along with their trunks, into a room Harry immediately recognized; it was Dumbledore’s office.
He took in the familiar surroundings, taking note that all the items he’d previously destroyed earlier that year had been repaired. He noticed Emma was stuck in one place trying to take everything in at once, her face a picture of pure happiness. He saw Fawkes and smiled, the bird crooned in what he thought sounded like a greeting.
Ginny could almost physically feel Harry’s spirits rising as he walked around the room. She smiled not having seen his true smile in a very long time.
“Well guys,” Harry said as he turned towards the group, grinning, “We’re back.”

The fireplace roared to life once again and out stepped Dumbledore smiling. “Good, good, no one was sent to the wrong place. You can leave your trunks here we’ll make sure they get to their respective rooms. We should be heading to the Great Hall the other students should be arriving soon; Miss Massey here must be sorted.” He escorted them down the spiral staircase and through a hidden door Harry had never seen before which seemed to not follow the basic laws of physics. Somehow by just walking several yards the whole group appeared at another door which opened up to reveal the Great Hall.
Emma gasped, having never seen such a room, her eyes swung from the bewitched candles to the gleaming plates, and then fell upon the enchanted ceiling and just stared at the evening sky inside the room. “Wow,” was all she managed to say.
“You should see it during a thunderstorm,” Ron said, “complete with lightning and thunder.”
“You five may want to head down to the entrance so it would appear you were on the train but simply no one saw you. It would be in all our best interests if you didn’t disclose that you were at Headquarters or even away from the train. There are people, I am afraid, inside the school, who would be very eager to get that information. I’ll see you shortly at the feast.” The headmaster tipped his head and began to walk away, suddenly he spun around again, “Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Potter and Miss. Weasley, would you two kindly meet with Professor McGonagall after the feast?” The two teens nodded, unsure to what they were agreeing, and watched the headmaster walk back through the Great Hall and back through the door.
It was only a matter of minutes before they heard the dull roar of several hundred students proceeding their way up the front steps from the thestral drawn carriages. The doors flew open and in an instant the entrance was filled with other students, non of which, seemed to notice that there was already a small group of students waiting inside the room.
Harry grabbed Ginny’s hand and proceeded to enter the hall with the other students, waving goodbye to Emma who now was waiting with the other first years to be sorted, “Good luck!” He shouted over the rising din.
Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny all sat down in their usual spots at the Gryffindor table. Harry spotted Hagrid sitting down at the front table and waved happily at him. Hagrid mouthed something which seemed to be ‘visit me soon.” He also saw Snape who was sitting in his seat, grim as ever, staring at the mass of students he so greatly despised.
Ron nudged Harry and pointed over at the Slytherin table, where Malfoy sat with Crabbe and Goyle as usual. Only now Malfoy seemed to have a slightly nervous look on his face, as if at any moment something would jump up and grab him. He also seemed to be a bit more jumpy; when Pansy sat next to him he almost fell off his seat. Harry was brought back to his table when Neville, Seamus, and Katie Bell all sat down around the group.
“Where were you lot on the train, we looked all over for you! We thought Malfoy might’ve gotten you,” Neville said.
Harry looked around for an explanation; thankfully Hermione was quick as ever. “We were having a meeting with an Auror, about Harry’s protection this year. Like when we go to Hogsmeade.”
“Like that’s ever going to happen again,” Dean said glumly.
“Now that You-Know-How’s out and about again, I bet we won’t even be able to go visit Hagrid,” Neville added.
“Well I guess we’re going to figure out soon,” Ron said motioning to Dumbledore who was standing up. “Welcome back everyone, we will get to the feast soon enough, but first we must sort our new students!” And with that McGonagall came in with the small stool and the tattered old Sorting Hat. The hall’s doors swung open again and with a little persuasion the nervous group of first years lined up in front of the stool.
Everyone in the Great Hall went silent, ready to listen to the hat’s new song. The long tear at its base opened up and it began:

Merlin’s champions,
His companions.
Stand and unite,
Prepare to fight.
The war is near,
But do not fear.
My creator’s heir
Will rise this year.
From my decision
Four of five have risen,
Tonight the fifth will come,
Binding the four to ONE.

The voice faded, and unlike previous years, the murmurs and discussion about the song were absent. Instead, the entire room was dead silent, still staring at the hat, not quite sure about what to make of the Sorting Hat’s newest verses.
With a kind cough from the Headmaster McGonagall thoughts refocused and she unfurled her scroll of new students.
Archer, Lincoln was sorted into Hufflepuff; followed shortly by Brickman, Sarah being sent to Ravenclaw.
In-between the bursts of applause when Gryffindor got a new student, Harry and the others were busy talking in hushed voices about the song.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t remind me of any of the others, the old ones just said come together or watch out. This one seemed more like it was telling us that it was doing something,” Ron said.
“Well at least you listened this time, it was telling us something. And it didn’t even seem like a song to me, more like a prophecy.” Hermione added.
“Who was the Sorting Hat’s creator?” Ginny asked Hermione.
“Don’t remember the song two years ago?” Hermione asked, but not receiving any nods simply continued, “it said that Gryffindor had made it. So whoever will rise this year is going to be Gryffindor’s heir. We’ll talk about this later, Emma’s up now.” She said as McGonagall read off “Massey, Emmaline.”
She sat down on the stool, looking just as nervous as everyone else, staring blankly out over the sea of waiting faces. Then McGonagall placed the Hat on top of her head, it was too large for her head so it sunk down over her eyebrows. The hat’s mouth was moving as if it were talking, but Harry strained to hear anything. Apparently whatever it was saying was meant only for Emma’s ears. The hat seemed to take an inordinately long time on choosing where to sort her some students were drifting off into conversation or were playing with the silverware. Finally it did come to a decision and shouted out “GRIFFYNDOR!” in a louder voice than usual, surprising some of the students who’d dozed off.
The Gryffindor table burst into applause at their new addition, and Emma hopped smartly off the stool and sat down at the front of the table grinning as she met the other first years. Emma looked down the table and waved to Harry and the rest of the group.
Harry gave Emma a thumbs up then looked up at Dumbledore to see if he approved. The headmaster was clapping politely and did nod his head, but nothing outward. The only thing that somewhat unsettled Harry was the smile on his face, something about it seemed to make it look like the headmaster was hiding something.

After the rest of the first years were sorted Dumbledore stood up once again to make his start of term announcements, the hall went quiet very quickly, most everyone was starving and ready for the feast.
“Well now that we have the sorting out of the way let me intrude upon your feast for only a moment more. As usual the Forbidden Forest is just that, forbidden, Professor Umbridge’s little incident should be deterrence enough.
Mr. Filch has informed me that he has forgone the usual list of illicit objects and has simply decided to ban anything with the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes logo on it.” At saying this Dumbledore smirked slightly.
“Now onto some scheduling changes. Due to Voldemort’s return, yes the Daily Prophet and the Minister were incorrect; we have decided to supplement your learning with several classes the school feels would benefit everyone. First, this year we will not be offering Care of Magical Creatures.” At this many people, mostly Gryffindor, stood up in protest. Dumbledore raised a hand to silence them. “Now, now, it does not reflect on Professor Hagrid’s teaching abilities at all, in-fact one reason we are doing it because he now has to care for the dragon we have patrolling the school. Which, on a side note, is not to be approached under any circumstances. To replace Care of Magical Creatures we are now offering a mandatory class for all years, it is called Offensive Light Magic; this will be taught in conjunction with Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
Harry examined the front table but couldn’t find any teacher who would be filling the thankfully now abandoned position. Maybe Dumbledore couldn’t find anyone?
Dumbledore continued to speak, “This class will be taught by trained Aurors, who can’t be here at this moment due to certain circumstances, and you will learn not only how to protect yourself but how to fight back if that is necessary. As for a teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts, I am afraid the rather high risks involved in the class has scared most potential teachers away, so for the moment I will be teaching the class along with the occasional aide of a former professor.” At that the whole hall burst into applause, no one imagined that Dumbledore himself would teach Defense.
Harry and the rest of the group were standing up applauding. “Well I doubt you could find a more experienced teacher for the job!” Ron shouted across the table to Harry who nodded vigorously.
“I think that is all, so let the feast begin!” Dumbledore said clapping his hands, making the mountains of food appear from nowhere. The whole Hall was soon filled with the noises of cutlery and laughter as old friends caught up and the first years began to talk amongst each other.
As usual the dinner was amazing, the house elves seemingly trying to outdo themselves every year with more extravagant desserts and cakes. Even Hermione thought these were pieces of art and refrained from her usual tirade about enslavement.
“So, Neville, what’d you do over summer?” Harry asked.
“Oh it was brilliant, I worked with Luna on a special project Professor Sprout gave us, we had so much fun; deriving the hybrids, splicing the root systems, even matriculating the flowers. It was amazing!” Neville said with evident enthusiasm. Harry just nodded, not quite sure what ‘matriculating the flowers’ meant, but was glad to see that he’d found a friend to share his enthusiasm with.
“What about you? Did you do anything fun?” He asked Harry, pointing a drumstick at him.
“Well I don’t know if you’d call it fun, but I did practice defensive magic with Lupin and Ginny loads,” Harry said not wanting to tell him anything more in fear of being overheard. He gave him an ‘I’ll tell you later’ look and Neville nodded in understanding.
“Hey Harry! Is the D.A. going to be around again this year? I know loads of people who want to join now that they don’t think your loony,” Seamus shouted.
“Hopefully, except this time I think it would be a good idea to get the Headmaster’s permission this time. People need to learn how to defend themselves though, I think the new class their offering will be good also. I wonder which Aurors are going to be teaching it?” Harry asked.
“’Dunno, Moody maybe, he’s a little worse for the wear now, maybe teaching wouldn’t be too bad for him now,” said Ron.
“Don’t you remember what happened to him last time he signed up to be a teacher Ron?” Hermione said, “I was worried about Hagrid at first, but I bet he couldn’t be happier, he has his own dragon to take care of again. Except this time it’s legal!”
As the desserts and empty plates disappeared and the noise began to rise in volume Dumbledore stood up once again.
“Well then I hope we are all well fed, I see some of you nodding off already. You should all head to your houses, your prefects will supply you with the passwords. And please remember, do not give them out to any strangers, and especially do not leave them written on scraps of paper. As the Navy says, loose lips sink ships!” Dumbledore said merrily, only a few muggle raised students understanding his last line. “Well goodnight, off to bed!” He said clapping his hands.
Harry and Ginny made to follow Ron, Hermione, and Emma to the Gryffindor house but Harry then caught sight of McGonagall waving them over. He’d forgotten that Dumbledore had wanted for them to meet with her after dinner. “Hey guys, we’ll catch you later, we need to talk to McGonagall about something. Night guys, congratulations Emma!” Harry said as he and Ginny’s headed to their head of house. Not a few heads turned at the sight of the two holding hands do affectionately.
“Mr. Potter, Miss. Weasley, the Headmaster wanted me to arrange for you rather peculiar sleeping arrangements. We decided that it would sat a bad precedent if you two were to share a bed in either of the dorms, therefore we have decided to give you two the extra Head Student room attached to the Gryffindor commons. Follow me please,” McGonagall said as she walked up another set of stairs. Harry and Ginny shared grins and headed up behind her.
After taking a rather confusing and most likely forgettable maze of stairs and passageways McGonagall stopped in front of a painting containing a huge tree in the middle complete with squirrels, foxes, and birds.
“Natura Vera,” McGonagall spoke clearly towards the painting, and it swung open just like the Fat Lady at the entrance of the Gryffindor tower. She stood aside and motioned for the two to enter.
Inside the rather large room was a seemingly exact replica of the Gryffindor common room, complete with fireplace and chess set. The only difference being that there were two other doors in the room.
“This is where you are to stay this year. I must stress however this is not a privilege and should not be flaunted; it is a necessity due to the Heartbond. You may have you friends inside but no one else, it is not going to be a hide out, just a bedroom. If I learn of any misconduct,” at that she coughed and Harry and Ginny both blushed, “You will loose this room and will be forced to sleep on the couch in the commons if need be. I most likely need not tell you that you should not go about speaking of your bond, especially around, I am afraid to say, the Slytherins. Do you both understand?” She asked, both simply nodded. It was pretty difficult not to understand what it was she wanted to prevent.
“Good, now then let me show you the rest of your arrangements. This door, to the left of the fireplace is the entrance to the bathroom. This door is the bedroom,” she opened the door and led them inside. It was a huge king-sized bed covered in red and gold sheets and piled with enough pillows to make it look like a small mountain. There was a small desk, a fireplace, and closets for them to hang their clothes. On the side of the room lay their two trunks along with Hedwig and her cage.
“Wow, this is great!” Harry said, taken aback by lavishness of the room. He had completely forgotten about how they were going to handle the whole sleeping problem and was surprised that Dumbledore had gone through all this trouble.
“We did do a little remodeling, the old room was bare stone and somehow the bed had been tuned into a large swimming pool,” McGonagall said, “this doesn’t give either of you an excuse for coming to class late because you slept in. I do expect it to help give you an edge on Quidditch this year though,” McGonagall smiled, she had always had a small soft spot for her victorious house team.
“Thank you for doing this, to tell you the truth I’d completely forgotten about the problem, I’m glad that the Headmaster remembered,” Ginny said stifling a yawn.
“Well just remember not to abuse it. Now it is late and I need to assure that all the other students are situated properly, so if you’ll excuse me.” McGonagall said, and headed out the door, she stopped halfway through it though and turned back to face the two teenagers. “Oh, Mr. Potter, there seems to have been some sort of error in the O.W.L.s this year, it would seem that you and Mr. Weasley both managed to qualify for N.E.W.T. lever potions, only someone had changed the results. The headmaster has already informed Professor Snape of your enrollment and is expecting to see both of you there on Monday.” At this she turned once again and walked out the portrait.
“I bet you a galleon Dumbledore forced Snape to let us take that class,” Ginny said smiling at Harry.
“I bet you another galleon Snape messed with our test scores. I know I aced the practical part. It’s so much easier with out the git breathing down your back,” Harry said indignantly.
“Should we try and find the others to tell them where we are?” Ginny asked.
“No, McGonagall’ll tell them don’t worry. Plus you look tired, let’s just go to bed,” Harry said as he stripped off his robes to his boxers. He no longer bothered putting on pajamas because he figured he was going to be spending the rest of his life with her so one or two years difference wasn’t going to make much difference in the long run. Ginny nodded, and did the same thing staying in only her under garments, and crawled into bed.
Harry pulled the window blinds shut and crawled into bed next to Ginny. “Good night Ginny,” he said kissing her on the cheek then turning out the lamp.
“Night Potter,” she said softly, cuddling up next to him.