A/N: Harry Potter and all contents belong to the master of the quill, miss J.K. Rowling. I’m only 16, I don’t have a lawyer, I’m not making any money off of this, and I don’t have any money for you to sue me for.
Please Read and Review, I can’t wait to hear your comments.
Okay then, well this is the new chapter. I am so sorry about the cliffy but I wanted to post something for you lot and it was a good place to stop seeing as it was already a long chapter. This chapter has a lot of Dumbledore, but I needed this to progress the plot and it just seemed like Harry needed a little advice. Thanks to my awesome beta darkcelestial!
Chapter 9: Apologies and Advice
“WHAT!!” Joy and Emma both shouted at the same time swirling in their seats to face the embarrassed boy. Harry buried his face in his hands. Well he couldn’t have done that any more subtlety. I sound like some sort of prophet or something.
Dumbledore chuckled softly as if he could hear Harry’s thoughts. Harry raised his head out of his hands to look over at Emma and Joy who were both staring at him incredulously. For Harry this was right up there with his most embarrassing moments in his life. He was frustrated at Dumbledore telling the story in such a way that it made him appear to be something he wasn’t. Right about now he wished he could have his invisibility cloak with him so he could disappear forever.
“Why didn’t you tell us Harry?” Emma said, sounding a little put out that her best friend had not told her something this important.
Harry got up and sat down next to Emma and put an arm around her comfortingly. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to scare you or worry you. It’s not exactly normal for a 16 year old to fight the world’s most powerful dark lord. And it’s summer, I just want to be like any other sixteen year old right now, because once I get back to school everyone stares at me for my stupid scar and my over sensationalized stories.” Harry ended in a somewhat defeated voice.
Joy placed a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder and Emma hugged him.
“It’s alright Harry, we wouldn’t have cared, I mean if we could handle the sudden fact that Emma is a witch then I’m sure we could have handled your story too. And you’re right, you should have every right to live a normal life not one that’s in the spotlight.” Joy said in a comforting voice.
“I completely agree with Mrs. Massey here, I believe that you should enjoy this summer to its fullest and not worry about what is to come.” Dumbledore put stress on the last words. “You are first and foremost a student and a teenager, not an Auror, and it would do well for you to pursue what other teenagers do. While I cannot stress how important it is for you to stay wary you should also relax for, unfortunately, it may be the only time you have for a long time.” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled in a way Harry had never seen before; they were not merry but morose. When he stopped to think about it the Hogwarts headmaster had never looked this worn down. Joy sensed that there was a large amount of sorrow between the two wizards in front of her, and decided that they needn’t bring it up again just for their sake.
“Well Mr. Dumbledore, thank you so much for meeting Emmaline and I. We cannot tell you how much it means to us that you would take time out of your schedule, especially when there is a war going on. I’ll make sure Harry is acting like a normal teen, but I’ll also make sure that he is safe. I don’t know anything about spells or wands, but I can promise you that I’ll protect him. He means too much to Emma for me to let him get harmed.” Joy stated, smiling happily at the two children.
Dumbledore stood up and shook Joy’s hand congenially. “The same goes for you Mrs. Massey, I will have an Auror posted by your house to ensure that you and your daughter will not come into any sort of harm.” Dumbledore smiled at the little girl and then turned to Harry, “Harry? Might we have a word while you go back to your house?” Harry just nodded fearing what new revelation Dumbledore would have for him. “Excellent! Thank you for your hospitality and I will expect to see you, Miss Emmaline, at Hogwarts on September 1st.” Dumbledore stepped out the door after ensuring there weren’t any muggles around, and Harry followed closely waving goodbye to Emma and telling her he’d meet her tomorrow at the park.
“Harry, thank you for having me come today. I think it was best that they were told as much as possible here instead of Emmaline learning it all second hand from her peers. This year the entrance rate ha actually dropped significantly because parents are too afraid to send their children away from their sight, even if it is safer at Hogwarts.” At this Dumbledore stopped walking and turned to face Harry, “Harry, I meant what I said in there. You really are an amazing person facing adversity most people could never imagine, and overcoming it with sense of style I don’t even I think I have. I also meant what I said when I told you that you had to have a normal summer, relax. If you’ve noticed there haven’t been any more public disturbances by Tom after the Ministry incident, sadly this is only the calm before the storm.”
The headmaster continued walking now, speaking in a softer voice now however, “I really and truly am sorry that I have continued to snub you. I am still teaching myself that I cannot protect you from everything without an explanation. I will strive to tell you more now, although, because you have still not yet mastered occlumency I cannot tell you everything. “Now reaching the front step of the Dursley’s house Dumbledore came to a stop and placed his hands on Harry’s shoulders. “Before I leave you let me say two more things. One; it is not your fault; you couldn’t have done anything to prevent your uncle from going to the Ministry that night. And secondly; this is not only your battle, use your friend’s support that is why they are here, they care for you, especially young Miss Weasley, she has been most distraught over your current situation.” Harry’s mouth was agape. How did he always know.
“There are more ways than one to overcome grief Harry; you just need to find the one that suits you.” Dumbledore winked over his spectacles, turned, and without saying another word apparated away.